Dear Steve M. Galbraith,
How do you explain Duran's describing, in 1978, the Oswald she'd dealt with on 9/27/63 as being about the same height as her (she was 5' 3.5"), skinny, blond-haired, blue or green-eyed, and having an elongated (i.e., very thin) face?
Also, how do you explain Eusebio Azcue's describing him as being blond-haired, thin, 35 years old, very thin-faced, and wearing a blue Prince-of-Wales suit with crossing red stripes?
Oh yeah, and as not being the same man that was charged with killing JFK about two months later?
Hint: Nobody at all physically impersonated Oswald in Mexico City, but short, thin, blond-haired, very thin-faced, "Third Secretary/Assistant Cultural Attache" Nikoli Leonov
did provide Duran with a photo of Oswald that had been taken in the USSR, and maybe even told her and Eusebio Ascue what to do and say.