If you fire a bullet [even though it is through the vacant head of the strawman that made reply #204] it will certainly cause explosive damage to the base. Something called a PRIMER
If you fire it through a real live body it will be seriously damaged. Go find a bullet that wasn't. I guess Chappo assumes that [newbies] are automatically idiots and do not know this.
The problem is that you earlier claimed that CE399 had no visible damage. If a newbie never sees the butt-end view of CE399 (which CTers never post) he will be misled and your agenda to screw around with the facts will continue.
If you fire it through a real live body it will be seriously damaged. Go find a bullet that wasn'tSurely you are not talking about FMJ ammo
FMJ ammo is designed to resist damage while passing through flesh. FMJ ammunition was designed in the late 1800s for use in military rifles. Not long after this, the Hague Convention of 1899 made it illegal to use bullets that easily expand or flatten inside the body. The agreement held that the bullets used by the signatories could not open upon impact, such as hollow points. This is because full metal jacket rounds were likely to cause a "through and through" wound
instead of mushrooming and causing a more grievous wound after impact
Again, here's the CE399 butt-end image that CTers never post