If a bullet fragment struck the curb without chipping the curb and then struck Tague in the face, that Fragment should have remained intact and then be recovered. If on the other hand you're saying Tague was Directly struck by a bullet fragment, that makes the distance traveled by that fragment even more Unbelievable. You sight "no evidence" of fragments being found outside the Limo yet you seem willing to accept the Tague Hokum which also has "no evidence" of Any bullet fragment what-so-ever. A "mark" on a curb is Not Evidence. It is Speculation as is a 2nd Shooter/4th Shot.
I didn't say or even imply any of the stuff you claim I said. What I said there's no evidence other than that found inside the limo
or on the curb, the smudge of lead scraped of by the FBI for analysis. And I don't accept the "Tague Hokum". That's been the whole premise of my discussion. As to the mark on the curb it is evidence of something causing that mark. But of what and from were is the question. You and I both agree that a second shooter/4th shot is speculation.