55+ years later and soooo many questions continue to swirl around this alleged Altgens Photo. (1) Is the woman in Short Sleeves holding a camera up to her face? (2) Why are so many eyewitnesses Not remotely facing in the direction of the JFK Limo as it passes them going down Elm St? (Short Sleeves Woman included)
Dear Royell,
You sound like a tinfoil hat-wearing "photo alteration" conspiracy theorist.
You should look at a map of Dealey Plaza and realize the curvature of Elm Street, where the smiling, blond-haired, and well-identified Mary Woodward was standing with her three journalist colleagues, the position of Altgens when he took the photo, exactly where JFK's limousine was on Elm Street when then the photo was taken, etc.
The limousine was well past hardhat man A.J. Millican and the others when the photo was taken, and many more cars were still approaching them, including the car that LBJ and his wife were riding in.
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy