It doesn?t matter.
If Tom, Dick, and Harry walked to a gathering together and stood in the same general vicinity as each other with other people interspersed, they might still say ?we were with each other?.
1) If that's the case, and if Westbrook is correct in her identification of herself and Calvery in the Zapruder film, then shouldn't we be able to spot Karan Hicks and Carol Reed "near the midway point"on the north side of Elm Street, you know, either paired-up with each other or "interspersed" individually with other members of the crowd?
2) If work colleagues Tom, Dick, and Harry had walked together to Elm Street to watch the motorcade, but had stood the way you suggest, i.e., "
individually interspersed with other members of the crowd," when they were making statements to the FBI after seeing the President get shot, do you really think Tom, for example, would say, "I was with Dick and Harry when the President was shot"?
-- MWT