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Author Topic: Oswald's Rifle Capability  (Read 24795 times)

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: Oswald's Rifle Capability
« Reply #64 on: March 10, 2019, 09:05:12 PM »
No assassin in his right mind would risk running away from the scene....Nothing would drawn attention to him quicker than running away.....   If there had been a shooter in the TSBD ( which there wasn't) he would NOT have dashed away from the scene...

No Assassin in his right mind would cramp himself into that SN and arrange boxes that only hinder him taking a good firing position.

No Assassin in their right mind would stick his rifle so far out the window that its easily seen. What is amazing is that MORE people did not see the rifle in the window. Withdrew the rifle so slowly that Bob Jackson, and Malcolm Couch saw it. That's not an Assassin in his right mind, for sure.

However, if its a conspirator who is trying make it APPEAR like the person who is doing the shooting is not in their right mind, then it might be a reason to do this crazy method, including using rifle with misaligned scope, and then hiding it in the boxes. Its MEANT to create the ILLUSION the gunman must be crazy: Ie: Exactly that "Crazy Defector Marxist Oswald".
« Last Edit: March 10, 2019, 09:06:10 PM by Zeon Mason »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's Rifle Capability
« Reply #64 on: March 10, 2019, 09:05:12 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Oswald's Rifle Capability
« Reply #65 on: March 11, 2019, 02:20:02 AM »
No assassin in his right mind would risk running away from the scene....Nothing would drawn attention to him quicker than running away..... 
   If Worrell was correct...whoever it was got away clean anyway, and he [a kid at the time] was the only one who glimpsed it?
However, there is this FBI report [3 pages]----

Offline Jerry Freeman

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« Reply #66 on: March 11, 2019, 11:55:57 PM »
 George DeMohrenschildt wrote that Oswald owned a Beretta [model not specified]   

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« Reply #66 on: March 11, 2019, 11:55:57 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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« Reply #67 on: March 13, 2019, 11:46:52 PM »
George DeMohrenschildt wrote that Oswald owned a Beretta [model not specified]

George De M also wrote a manuscript entitled "I'm Just A Patsy" , didn't he?    If anybody would have known that Lee was just a Patsy...It would have been George.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Oswald's Rifle Capability
« Reply #68 on: March 16, 2019, 11:59:01 PM »
    also author=Bill Chapman link=topic=1745.msg45762#msg45762 date=1551248661]
Yet you believe her [he means Marina's] HCSA testimony it seems. How convenient. 
Must have pulled that one out of his backside...I never wrote any such thing.
For the know-nothings that believe in the gunman-Oswald only let me square you away. You obviously know nothing about rifles ..nothing about shooting them and nothing about the military. All U S Marine recruits are required to pass a minimum  Marksman exceptions.
That means dedicated time at the range day after day until they get it right. The drill instructor will see that they get it right. They will instruct them with vigor. If a Marine recruit has not qualified by the appropriate time they will stay at the range until midnight with a flashlight in their mouth if necessary to pass rifle certification. Any testimony about Oswald's lax rifle performance or disinterest was ignored. Oswald was not infantry..he was assigned to radar school.
During one of his leaves from the Marines, Oswald hunted with his brother Robert, using a .22 caliber bolt-action rifle belonging either to Robert or Robert's in-laws.

   Replied to umpteen times---so what? This made him a killer? There was another friend shooting with them. I understand Oswald hit nothing or at least conspired to assassinate a rabbit using triangulated rifle fire.
All of this speculation about Oswald's rifle capability is a red herring.  All of the evidence found indicated that it was Oswald alone who shot and killed JFK.  NO OTHER SUSPECT HAS BEEN FOUND WHO COULD HAVE BEEN THE SHOOTER! 
Yawn. No other suspect was ever sought. Try again.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's Rifle Capability
« Reply #68 on: March 16, 2019, 11:59:01 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Oswald's Rifle Capability
« Reply #69 on: March 17, 2019, 01:26:38 AM »
Must have pulled that one out of his backside...I never wrote any such thing.
For the know-nothings that believe in the gunman-Oswald only let me square you away. You obviously know nothing about rifles ..nothing about shooting them and nothing about the military. All U S Marine recruits are required to pass a minimum  Marksman exceptions.
That means dedicated time at the range day after day until they get it right. The drill instructor will see that they get it right. They will instruct them with vigor. If a Marine recruit has not qualified by the appropriate time they will stay at the range until midnight with a flashlight in their mouth if necessary to pass rifle certification. Any testimony about Oswald's lax rifle performance or disinterest was ignored. Oswald was not infantry..he was assigned to radar school. 
   Replied to umpteen times---so what? This made him a killer? There was another friend shooting with them. I understand Oswald hit nothing or at least conspired to assassinate a rabbit using triangulated rifle fire. Yawn. No other suspect was ever sought. Try again.

For the know-nothings that believe in the gunman-Oswald only let me square you away. You obviously know nothing about rifles ..nothing about shooting them and nothing about the military. All U S Marine recruits are required to pass a minimum  Marksman exceptions.
That means dedicated time at the range day after day until they get it right. The drill instructor will see that they get it right. They will instruct them with vigor.

When Lee was a recruit, he trained with one of the finest rifles in the world... The semi-automatic M-1 Garand ....  A rifle that when placed in the hands of an Expert From Germany ( for example)  who may have been a sharpshooter with a Mauser ...would still might not be qualified as a sharpshooter with the M-1.   

Simply because a man qualifies well with one rifle does not mean that he can fire any rifle in the world with equal precision.

And One of the poorest rifles for rapid fire work is the Mannlicher Carcano. 

But the no nothings don't know these simple facts....  Thet are so stupid that they believe that Lee Oswald could have picked up that rusty old carcano with the scope mounted askew and knocked the eye out of a fly at 100 yards...   PATHETIC!

Offline Peter Kleinschmidt

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Re: Oswald's Rifle Capability
« Reply #70 on: March 17, 2019, 10:13:45 AM »
All of this speculation about Oswald's rifle capability is a red herring.  All of the evidence found indicated that it was Oswald alone who shot and killed JFK. Regardless of how he scored in the firing test while in the USMC, how many times Oswald worked the bolt to  familiarize himself with the weapon, how many times he managed to practice with the rifle while in New Orleans, whether you believe Marina, the accuracy of the MC with and without using the scope (nobody knows if Oswald actually used the scope), the actual timeline of the sequence of shots if the first shot missed could be as long as over 8 seconds, the evidence strongly supports the fact that it was Oswald who was the SN shooter. NO OTHER SUSPECT HAS BEEN FOUND WHO COULD HAVE BEEN THE SHOOTER! Oswald pulled the trigger three times, missed the first shot, scored a hit on JFK that went through his neck, out his throat, entered JBC as the 6.5 mm WC copper jacketed bullet was beginning to yaw at approx. Z224, went out JBC's chest, struck his right wrist, and made a small puncture wound in his left thigh. That bullet, CE-399, was recovered at Parkland Hospital and accounts for two (the other being CE-567 and CE-569) of the three bullets fired. It's that freaking fu****g simple, yet you dumb a** commie loving, wife beating, turncoat Oswald defenders just refuse to face the facts just as the dumb a** Flat Earth believers refuse to believe in what is the most obvious of facts. 

In order to support the myriad of theories to cast doubt on Oswald's guilt you fail each and every time in providing an alternate theory backed by reasonable evidence to support the theory that Oswald was not the shooter. Every time some half a***d unreasonable point is brought out by you guys it's countered by reasonable, effective, and verifiable evidence that completely shuts the door to further inquiry but you still persist because your life revolves around trying proving the unprovable by inventing unsupportable scenarios. It's your life and you can live it as you choose but you will never be at peace with yourselves because you're emotionally glued to a lost cause.
Why would anyone need a theory when we are not done laughing at the theory you support?  There's only one fact we know- Oswald is 100% innocent. Really, the way you should be thinking about this is to just prove Oswald did it. Guess what? You can't, so naturally, you are left looking like fool supporting some theory that was cobbled together by a bunch of incompetent yahoos. You need to understand how much of a sucker you are to believe such a silly story, but I imagine you fell for it when the authorities used the full name, so basically they had you at LEE HARVEY OSWALD and from there you fell in love with this whole ridiculous story. How embarrassing

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Oswald's Rifle Capability
« Reply #71 on: March 17, 2019, 10:49:40 PM »
Why would anyone need a theory when we are not done laughing at the theory you support?  There's only one fact we know- Oswald is 100% innocent. Really, the way you should be thinking about this is to just prove Oswald did it. Guess what? You can't, so naturally, you are left looking like fool supporting some theory that was cobbled together by a bunch of incompetent yahoos. You need to understand how much of a sucker you are to believe such a silly story, but I imagine you fell for it when the authorities used the full name, so basically they had you at LEE HARVEY OSWALD and from there you fell in love with this whole ridiculous story. How embarrassing

How embarrassing !

Especially embarrassing to those who think of themselves as infallible, superior, intellectuals who could never be duped....  But as some wise man observed a long time ago.... The more conceited and arrogant the man, the easier to it is to dupe him.     

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Oswald's Rifle Capability
« Reply #71 on: March 17, 2019, 10:49:40 PM »