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Author Topic: Firearms experts who say; ?I can't do it so it can't be done?, cannot be trusted  (Read 41698 times)

Offline Ross Lidell

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This topic was inspired by another: "Oswald's rifle capability".

Naive Conspiracy Theorists demonstrate their gullibility and deceptiveness: Any attempted reconstruction of an aspect of the assassination that fails to meet time constraints is proof that it could not possibly have been accomplished by Lee Harvey Oswald.

Such as: A world-class shooter could not fire 3 shots with a rifle similar to Oswald?s Carcano in less than 6 seconds; let alone hit the target 2 out of 3 times.

As part of the debate: A video clip from Jesse Ventura?s ?Conspiracy Theories? was posted as proof that the shots attributed to Oswald by the Warren Commission could not be accomplished with the Carcano Rifle C2766. Ventura (a US military trained expert) used an almost identical firearm to attempt to equal Oswald?s feat but with an easier goal of hitting ?stationary? targets. Ventura failed to meet the time constraint, taking 11 seconds to fire 3 shots. A frustrated Jesse Ventura derided the bolt-action mechanism [tradesman blames his tools] as the reason for his failure. Ventura made the preposterous suggestion: ?If I can?t do it, no one can do it?.

I?ve seen the sequence previously and was suspicious that Ventura intentionally failed to operate the rifle to his maximum capability--to prove the story?s point. In other words: Ventura was operating below his capacity as a Marine-trained rifleman so as to reach a predetermined outcome. This is always a possibility with experts who "fail" after claiming "it's not possible".

I posted this comment, which has been avoided by Freeman [who started the topic and posted the clip] and other top intellects on this forum.

What about the possibility that Jesse Ventura... sorry, Governor Ventura: Was not trying to fire the shots as quickly as he was capable of? After all, the shooter is a former professional wrestler. Pro Wrestling is acknowledged (even by Ventura) as FAKE! Why should we trust a renowned faker?

I suggest the comment was ignored because it cannot be challenged with the usual distortions and silliness of CT believers demanding an impossible standard of proof. Showing a video clip of Ventura failing proves ?nothing?. Showing Ventura succeeding would have proved ?something?: That the type of rifle could be fired rapidly enough for Oswald to work the bolt-action and fire the shots.... in less than 6 seconds. Other aspects of the shooting sequence (on 22 November 1963) would remain ?a matter of opinions?. 

Assessing Oswald?s rifle-shooting skills ?after the event? is futile. It will annoy conspiracy theorists to be told: A lucky shot (or 2 lucky shots) was possible... however unlikely.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2019, 09:08:33 PM by Ross Lidell »

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Offline Mike Orr

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Marine Sniper , Carlos Hathcock was asked about LHO being able to pull off the shots that killed jfk and Hathcock said they set up a replica at Quantico and that nobody could duplicate the so called shots that Oswald was said to have pulled off .       

Offline Ross Lidell

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Marine Sniper , Carlos Hathcock was asked about LHO being able to pull off the shots that killed jfk and Hathcock said they set up a replica at Quantico and that nobody could duplicate the so called shots that Oswald was said to have pulled off .       

That link does not open a webpage. As assassin John Wilkes Booth said: "Useless, useless".

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Offline Ray Mitcham

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That link does not open a webpage. As assassin John Wilkes Booth said: "Useless, useless".

Try this, Ross
« Last Edit: February 26, 2019, 06:56:42 PM by Ray Mitcham »

Offline Louis Earl

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Of course, we never know whether a person is really trying to do something well.   But the fact remains that there is scant record of people being able to duplicate the feat with ease.

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Offline Walt Cakebread

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That link does not open a webpage. As assassin John Wilkes Booth said: "Useless, useless".

You wouldn't believe it anyway .....Lidell.   

Offline Ross Lidell

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You wouldn't believe it anyway .....Lidell.

I don't believe it for a very good reason: Insufficient information.

Offline Ross Lidell

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Try this, Ross

Thanks Ray.

Interesting site... but no details of the Quantico reconstruction of the shooting sequence attributed to Lee Harvey Oswald.

JFK Assassination Forum