"a 27 inch paper sack that could have carried a weapon ( if it weren't closely scrutinized).... "
>>> It wasn't closely scrutinized.
And you can find out if an apple, orange, or some other fruit was on Kennedy's luncheon menu at the Dallas Trade Mart because that's whose lunch ProbablyOswald ultimately ate*.

"a 27 inch paper sack that could have carried a weapon ( if it weren't closely scrutinized).... "
>>> It wasn't closely scrutinized. Yes ...That's the point I intended .... The sack was merely part of the ruse in which Lee was the leading player.....He wanted a witness who could testify that He'd seen Lee Oswald carry a long papaer sack that morning..... If the HOAX had gone as Lee and his handler had planned, It would have appeared that Lee Oswald had attempted to shoot JFK ( just like the HOAX at Walker's house back in April) ..... And Frazier could have acknowledged that he'd seen Lee carry a long paper sack that morning. If JFK hadn't been murdered....Nobody would have scrutinized Frazier's story .....It would have been accepted that Lee had carried a rifle in the paper sack... The brutal murder changed everything....and people wanted answers....
Others were involved in the HOAX scenario.....They knew that the stage play scheme called for the arch villain to have been seen carrying a parcel that could have concealed a weapon... And that's why the police were so adamant that Lee had carried the rifle in a paper sack.
From Day one, I never could understand why the police were so insistent that Lee Harrrrrrey Ossssssswald BOOOOO! HISSSS! had carried the gun into the TSBD in a paper sack. I thought it was a ludicrous idea from day one..... But if that was what the script called for, then the paper sack tale makes sense......