Right. Oh yeah, and then he left immediately afterward, took a bus but decided it was too slow so he went home in a taxi (not responding when the driver said "I wonder what the hell is the uproar", which he obviously knew what it was about since he had figured work was shut down for the day because of it), picked up his revolver and left quickly on foot, shot Officer Tippit for no apparent reason seconds after the officer got out of his patrol car, ran down an alley and slipped into the Texas Theater without paying, pulled his gun out when police arrested him in the theater and tried to shoot the arresting officer saying "well, its all over now".
There really isn't any evidence on which a reasonable person could infer that Oswald assassinated JFK?
Oh yeah, and then he left immediately afterward, took a bus but decided it was too slow so he went home in a taxi That's what we're told, but did it really happen?
What about the guy looking like Oswald that was seen by several people running towards Elm street and being picked up by a car. Or did that not happen?
picked up his revolver and left quickly on foot, Really? So you have proof he picked up his revolver at the rooming house? And what about Roberts seeing him waiting at a bus stop?
shot Officer Tippit for no apparent reasonDid he?
What reason did he have to be at 10th street to begin with? The killer of the President decides to take a walk on a go nowhere street rather than get the hell out of town? Really?
ran down an alley and slipped into the Texas Theater without paying, pulled his gun out when police arrested him in the theater and tried to shoot the arresting officer Again, so we are told. But even if true, wouldn't he have done the same after killing Tippit only?
There really isn't any evidence on which a reasonable person could infer that Oswald assassinated JFK?You can infer all you want, but most of what you have is highly circumstantial and speculative and what little physical evidence there is has it's own set of problems.
Try making this story stick without "but his rifle was there"