Tim, I think you meant don't find people guilty or innocent?
They only determine whether there's sufficient evidence - "probable cause" - to bring charges against someone.
Never mind. It was corrected.
I do find this interesting: LBJ was a bad man therefore he killed JFK.
What did LBJ do after becoming president? He passed civil rights (two of them), a voting rights bill, a fair housing bill, poverty programs, he ended Operation Mongoose and the covert war on Cuba.....
Yes, as Caro documented in his books - and as he himself said - LBJ was a horrible, despicable person. Nobody denies that. But that is not evidence of his involvement in the assassination. Besides, he would have to have underlings pull off this act of treason. The conspiracy crowd likes to cry Hoover! and LBJ! and other awful people as if that is sufficient alone to prove their involvement. Sorry, that's not enough.
Anyway, LBJ's post assassination acts are hardly those of right wing militarists who killed JFK to promote their malevolent agenda.