Circular argument. You're trying to say that the magic partial palmprint must have been turned over on 11/22 because it's on that evidence list, and that evidence list must have been made on 11/22 because the magic partial palmprint is on the list.
But the magic partial palmprint was not in the evidence turned over on 11/22.
No John THAT is NOT my point.....( and I've told you before) that the cops didn't know what kind of rifle they had removed from the TSBD when they released it to the FBI...Detective Day listed all of the identifing information that he'd been able to find on that he only knew that it was stamped "Made Italy"-- " 6,5 cal."and the serial number c2766 and he listed the information that was stamped on the scope.....he did NOT NOT list the make of the rifle, because he didn't know what it was.... Later ...on SaPersonay 11 /23/63 They learned that the rifle was called a Mannlicher Carcano , or simply carcano for short....
And not only is there information about the rifle missing on the original sheet there are many other difference between the original sheet that was typed up on the evening of 11/22 and the list that was made from a photocopy of that original list... Like the difference between the number of shells that were found beneath the window....The original list said the only TWO shells were found....
This isn't rocket science.....even an elementary school kid can spot the differences between the original evidence inventory list and the altered list.....