Seriously Tommy, just let your obsession with these 3 people go. It really has nothing to do with the assassination.
You're absolutely right.
Except for the fact that those three people on the Pergola Patio in the Towner film are the same three people that James Darnell filmed as they were stepping down from said patio (and as they were walking across the grass in the direction of the TSBD), and that, by matching the garments they were wearing in that Towner film with the garments (dark-complected) Stella Mae Jacob, Gloria Holt and Sharron Simmons were wearing in Zapruder and Betzner and Bronson
as they were standing next to other, that these three people must be the same people who were photographically captured "by" the Stemmons Sign by Zapruder and Betzner and Bronson during the motorcade, and that, by looking at the faces of those three gals in the recently augmented Darnell clip, we can now say that your Karen Westbrook was "all wet" when she, from behind and 54 years after-the-fact, attempted to identify herself as the blue headscarf-wearing one (in reality Sharon Simmons), and the average-height, strawberry-blond-blond gal standing next to her as Gloria Calvert (sic), and that since strawberry-blond, glasses-free Gloria HOLT isn't big, tall, glasses-wearing Gloria CALVERY, then Westbrook and Calvery must have been standing
somewhere else, with their two colleagues Karan Hicks and Sharon Reed (where are
they, according to your Karen "All Wet" Westbrook, btw?) and "about halfway between Houston Street and The Triple Underpass, on the north side of Elm Street," and that the four consecutive headscarf-wearing gals in Zapruder are the most likely candidates for that four-woman group, and yep, that big tall one who's wearing the black blouse (or sweater) and the black headscarf next to John Templin in Zapruder (and who can be seen wearing glasses in Betzner-3) is the best candidate for big, tall, stylin' glasses-wearin' Gloria Calvery, and how, lo-and-behold, she can be seen in close proximity to her all-in-white colleague in Couch-Darnell as she's talking with Billy Lovelady (or
maybe Joe Molina) about 25 seconds after the assassination.
That's all, you, you, you ... colorblind, weak-sighted NAYSAYER, you.
-- MWT