Are you getting ready to unleash another multi-page argument that "accompanied by" means "shoulder-to-shoulder"? Because if you are, I'm not interested.
Believe what you like.
Whereas in the context of TSBD employees walking down Elm Street to watch JFK's motorcade pass by during their lunch hour, you define "accompanied by" to mean within 100 yards of each other?
50 yards?
10 yards?
Whatever ridiculous distance you choose, Iacoletti, if the gal on the left in your and Westbrook's "Gloria Calvery Trio"
is (dark-complected) Stella Mae Jacob, can you find her two Texas School Book Company colleagues, Gloria Holt and Sharon Simmons, anywhere within said distance
on either side of Elm Street, "about halfway between Houston Street and the Triple Underpass"?
"Nope, because, despite what they said in their FBI statements, they obviously weren't standing on Elm Street during the motorcade and therefore weren't "caught" by Zapruder, or Altgens, or ..."
And how about Karan Hicks? Since she's not in your and Westbrook's "Gloria Calvery Trio," where is she? Didn't she say she was way down on Elm Street, too, or words to that effect?
Where could she possibly be, if she's not one of the four headscarf-wearing gals standing "shoulder-to-shoulder" in the Z-Film?
-- MWT