FYI guys, Trask credited the Sitzman clip in front of the North pergola to Darnell in "That Day in Dallas" not POTP. How do I know this? Robin Unger posted scans from that book a few years back. So it's more of an appendix than the bible itself. You don't think he lost his faith after POTP do you? 'Course not.
And have you seen Groden's copy of Darnell from his old DVD? It's awfully bad.
Lot's of better gear came to light around 2013 did it not?* I imagine the networks went back to the archives to supply the demand for "modern documentary"(/sigh) makers and news media requests.
They charge a pretty penny for this archive stuff and the more Darnell gets recognised for the work he did the more the price will go up. That CPTV filmmaker probably paid peanuts for that because it was still just uncredited stock footage at that time.
*In one of those anniversary programs there is a nice clip from Wiegman(I think) at LF, he sees Jack moving toward the fence and runs ahead of him, puts his back to the fence then starts filming JFK approach him and reach out to shake hands with the gathered crowd, anyway, I liked it.
PS. Jimmy was asking them girls what was up. They're talking to him. So you have to wonder, how can someone so on the ball wait for twenty plus seconds after the shots to start filming and then forget to film the windows of the building where the man sat next to him just told everyone(allegedly) the shots came from?