Brennan's description of Oswald that was nearly identical with the Police radio broadcast at about 12:45 is powerful corroborating evidence for Brennan's eventual positive identification of Oswald.
"nearly identical". LOL.
Oswald sat on the ledge.
Brennan said "at the time that he was firing the gun".
Evidence has to be examined and removed, it's one of the job descriptions.
Does evidence have to be examined and then thrown back on the floor for pictures to be taken?
The bag was seen and testified as being in the sniper's nest by six Police officers.
Yes, in different locations and folded in different ways, and none of them were in the sniper's nest before Studebaker and Day went on their excursion to the wrapping station to get "samples".
At first Givens was just trying to cover his own ass and in time he was asked more questions and gave more detailed answers. And didn't Givens see Oswald half an hour before the assassination, BFD!

Which shows that Oswald's palm touched the actual rifle, good luck arguing that one.
No, it shows that Latona thought a partial print on an index card that arrived a week later matched Oswald.
LOL! That's it? That's how you plan on taking the rifle out of Oswald's hands! Hehehe.
"We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle, and never did. Nobody's yet been able to put him in that building with a gun in his hand." -- Jesse Curry
And the only way you "found" out about this evidence of the Police finding stuff is because the Police told you? Is this your definition of tainted? Hahaha!
Even dishonest cops can trip themselves up. And often do.