What do you make of this, Sandy?
That is a book by Greg Parker, one in his series on Lee Harvey Oswald. Greg absolutely hates John Armstrong, the author of the Harvey & Lee book. He and Jim Hargrove (a Harvey & Lee believer with a website on the subject) have had numerous debates over the years on the Harvey & Lee thesis.
The things Greg wrote on the page you linked to are covered in my presentation (in Post #1).
After studying the evidence myself and watching the debates for months, I determined that Greg Parker is wrong. There is simply too much evidence for the two Oswalds for it to be a fluke. Though Greg claims that he debunks the evidence, I have seen almost none of that. Jim Hargrove almost always gets the better of him.
So far Greg hasn't said a word about the latest evidence I have presented. Like most the other evidence, it is impossible to explain. I mean with reasonable explanations.
Greg and his allies usually have to resort to saying that the evidence is nothing more than clerical errors. I'm sure that that is what he's going to claim about the dental prosthesis evidence I found, which supports the missing front tooth evidence. He'll just say that that prosthesis notation was accidentally written on Oswald's chart.
Greg will have us believe the following are all true:
1. Oswald's friend was wrong when he recalled that the tooth had fallen out.
2. Oswald's Aunt took him to the dentist to get his cut lip treated.
3. The missing tooth in the photo is a flaw in the film.
4 And, that prosthesis notation belonged on somebody else's chart.
He actually wrote #2 in his book. It's a ridiculous thing to say, so let's change it to something reasonable:
2. Oswald's Aunt took him to the dentist because the tooth was loosened. But it ultimately healed on it's own.
In a future presentation I will compute the odds against all of those things happening to a single person whose been hit on the mouth. I will show how unlikely it would be that those four things would just happen to happen to someone, making it look like the person lost a tooth when in fact he did not.