I wish I had been in Dallas all those years since 11/22. I would have figured out everything that needs to be known now. I wish there had been more researchers of my quality. Everyone will agree with me, I’m sure.
Would you have figured out where Zapruder employee
Peggy Burney was standing during the motorcade?
Would you have figured out where Scott-Foresman Publishing Company colleagues
Betty Thornton and Jane Berry were standing during the motorcade?
Would you have found each one of them in at least one film or photograph?Hint: Unger and Roberdeau got it all wrong regarding those three in that they are totally confused about the identities of the four shoulder-to-shoulder headscarf-wearing gals in Zabruder. (From left to right: Karen Westbrook, Carol Reed, Karan Hicks, Gloria Calvery)
-- MWT