@ moderator of this forum:
What would happen to the posting rights
if a member, went on to their own fb page, and said,
"you [mod] are definitely an incompetent as far as the JFK case and evidence are concerned, esp, SBT."
Peter...Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater (I know...had to say this because Halloween is my favorite holiday) --
Can you kinda, sorta stick to a somewhat reasonable discussion of the Kennedy case please? This is not the "shooting the spombleprofglidnoctobuns at the dingy bar" forum. It's a "JFK was murdered" forum.
You're kinda, sorta all over the place here, burying other posts related to why we're here. And you may want to start by sharing your own JFK narrative here, Like Dave VP took the time to do.
So take that final drag of your Kool Menthol, down your last shot and start pecking away. Here, I'll help you...
Here's what I think happened in the JFK case...