Correct, Mr Mitcham, if by this you mean that the shadow down Mr Lovelady would make sense if the Wiegman film had been shot at a different time to the time at which JFK was shot! Maybe you believe it was? It would certainly explain your continued peddling of nonsense on this question!
Mr Ford, Lovelady obviously leaned forward and looked West to follow the entourage. after the still of the Weigman film. Quite simple for anybody to understand, maybe not for Storing though.
Whatever the above has to do with Exactly Where The Shadow Falls is anybody's guess. More Gobbeldy Gook.
Is prayer man taking photos? A stranger that positioned themselves high up to get some photos?People dont tend to raise both hands when taking a drink from a bottle.
If prayer man is in shadow, then why is what he is holding glistening in the sun?Shiny chrome of a camera?