We can resolve this quickly IF You will go on-the-record with what you believe the time interval is between the Wiegman footage of your alleged 2 Heads and the Darnell Footage showing Buell Frazier at the Top of the TSBD Steps. Go ahead.......... I "Triple Dog Dare You"
But we already have resolved it, Mr Storing, because Mr Frazier is already visible
in the Wiegman film:

His presence there in Darnell (~30 seconds later) is merely further confirmation that the tall Elvis-combed figure in Wiegman was not Pauline Sanders or Bill Shelley!

And the blacking out in Wiegman leads us to the inescapable inference that the second 'Lovelady' head (to our left)--------------

-------------belongs to the man the Lone Nutters
still want us to believe was up at the sixth floor southeast window having just shot JFK!