The priority in this rush job was to kill any identification of Mr Oswald in Wiegman. (Remember: they knew exactly where to find Mr Oswald in Wiegman, because Mr Oswald will have told Captain Fritz in his first interrogation exactly where he was at the time of the shooting. Mr Lovelady's name will have been mentioned, which explains why they went straight to him with a blowup of the Altgens photograph.)
If Mr.Fords statement above is correct, then it READILY APPARENT that the conspirators made a HUGE mistake in not blackening out the 2nd head.
If it was such a HUGE mistake, Mr Mason, why did it take until
21 October 2019 for the second head even to be noticed?
They were Rushed?
yet they had enough time to meticulously go frame by frame of Wiegman carefully blackened out some figure they thought was Oswald, but.. Missed his face,
Can't you read? They
didn't miss his face in those frames where it was identifiable.
AND missed the white T shirt and whatever else Mr.Ford thinks he sees in there
What about my question if the 2nd head phenom is just motion blur? Agree or Not agree?
Funny how it only happens to Mr Lovelady--------------yes, that would be the same Mr Lovelady who has an impossible 'shadow' down his right side!
Your problem, Mr Mason, is that you talk as though that dark strip in
all the Wiegman frames has found a credible alternative explanation to the one I have offered. It hasn't-------not even close. Your own explanation-----------it's the vertical shadow we see on Mr Frazier in Darnell------------did win marks for hilarity though!