I have truly been trying to understand your argument, but I'm still puzzled about what exactly the purpose of your argument is.
Let's for argument's sake say that the index card with the partial palmprint was indeed taken to Drain to Washington on 11/22/63, as you claim. What would be the significance of that?
Martin, The official story is: Lee Oswald's palm print was found on the metal barrel of the rifle when Lt Day disassembled the rifle and found the palm print on the 5/8" diameter metal barrel. ( only about 1/4" of a 5/8 " diameter metal tube would make contact with a man's palm and that's too small to identify the person who left the print)
There had been NO identifiable prints found on the rifle ( and even to this very day, no identifiable prints have been found) BUT...Dallas's DA Henry Wade had told reporters that they had found Lee Harrrrvey Ossssswald's prints on the gun...He was lying through his teeth....But they desperately needed something to tie Lee Oswald to the murder, thus the tale about Lt Day finding the print on the metal barrel and his neglecting to tell the FBI that he'd found that print . The whole tale is BS.... What the "experts" have told us was Oswald's palm print that was lifted from the metal barrel is actually simply an unidentifiable smudge that Lt Day Lifted from the WOODEN foregrip of the carcano. Day spotted what he imagined to be a palm print on that wooden fore grip just minutes after he pulled the rifle from beneath the pallet where the rifle had been carefully hidden ( not carelessly tossed aside as the liars have told us) Day knew the wood of the foregrip would absorb the "print" so he decided to use scotch tape to lift that "print". Tom Alyea watched him as he lifted that smudge and placed the scotch tape on a 3 X 5 card and scribbled the pertinent information on that card. Day wrote... "Off underside gun barrel near end of foregrip " C 2766 . ( If he had been in the Dallas PD Crime lab he would have used the typewriter and a clean sheet of paper to record the information, and he probably would have written more details about the discovery.)
At the time they released they rifle to the FBI NO IDENTIFIABLE PRINTS had been found on the rifle But the 3 X 5 index card was among the evidence released. When the FBI examine the lift on SaPersonay, they reported that the "print" was useless for identification purposes, but after Henry Wade's bold lie they could not let us pissants know that there was no physical evidence that connected Lee Oswald to the rifle....
Perhaps you're like so many folks.... You simply can't believe that Hoover and LBJ were the prime conspirators.....