No, Walt. Alyea didn’t say that he watched Day lift a smudge from the foregrip and place the scotch tape on a 3 X 5 card and scribble the pertinent information on that card. You made all that up.
“Common sense” is what you call it when you fabricate a story for which there is no evidence whatsoever.
Alyea didn’t say that he watched Day lift a smudge from the foregrip and place the scotch tape on a 3 X 5 card ...Did Alyea say that he
"watched as Lt. Day lifted prints from the rifle "in the TSBD just minutes after the rifle was pulled from beneath the boxes of books ?
“Common sense” is what you call it when you fabricate a story for which there is no evidence whatsoever.Most rational folks with commonsense would understand that Lt Day wouldn't have lifted the print or disturbed the print in anyway if that print had been found on the metal barrel UNDERNEATH the wooden foregrip where it clearly would have been well protected by the wooden forgrip. Day claimed that after dusting the area with finger print powder and discovering the print he lifted the print with scoth tape. But when the FBI received the rifle they could not see any indication that the area beneath the foregrip had been processed for prints...Not even a trace of print dust or a print...
And IF Day had found a print while working in the Crime Lab it's very doubtful that he would have placed the lift on a 3 X 5 card and then hastily scribbled a truncated message on that card.... He had plenty of typing paper and typewriter right at his finger tips.