From my very first reply to you, I said I would be happy to admit that I was wrong as long as you could post some images of no traffic on Houston/Elm and so far days later you still are giving your worthless opinion.
And since you've had plenty of time, have you worked out the time of the Darnell footage that I posted?
Btw at the end of the day there is no question of what Oswald saw because from the 6th floor he saw the Presidential Limo roar off down Elm street.
Two bald men fighting over hair gel!

Meanwhile! Back in the real world-------------

Except Mr Oswald wasn't 'rushing out' of the building-------he'd been there for the P. parade, right behind Mr Lovelady!

And Officer Baker wasn't 'stopping' him----------he was asking if he worked there so he could show him the way to the nearest stairs!

Mr Lovelady saw the interaction between Mr Oswald, Officer Baker and Mr Truly and (on a charitable reading) misunderstood it
------------he assumed that Mr Oswald had
only just then come to the front door.
Mr Lovelady told Mr James Jarman what he'd seen, and
------------------Mr Jarman told the HSCA all about it in 1977:
"There was a Billy Lovelady standing on the steps.... Oswald was coming out the door and Lovelady said the police had stopped Oswald and sent him back in the building. Lovelady said that Mr. Truly told the policeman that Oswald was alright...."If Mr Lovelady really did see Officer Baker "sen(d Oswald) back in the building"-----------i.e. grab him and urgently pull him in with him through the glass door----------then the incident where Officer Baker asked Mr Oswald where the stairs were really did indeed take place in the
vestibule or front lobby. Thank you, Mr Harry D. Holmes!
And! For all this to happen requires Mr Oswald to be somewhere that would make him a person for Mr Baker to grab
-----------> Mr Oswald's candidacy for PrayerManInDarnell gets another nice lil' boost, thank you very much!
Question!What moved Mr Truly to tell FBI agents
this the evening of the assassination?
"...he accompanied the officer into the front of the building. They saw no one there..."Of
course you didn't see anyone there, Mr Truly-----------it's the front lobby, for Pete's sake! So...........
why are you mentioning this to us?