None of Walt's longwinded ramblings provides an explanation for why the conspirators would go to the considerable trouble and risk of faking Oswald's presence on a bus. Trying to decipher a coherent narrative from Walt's nonsense is extremely difficult but he dimly seems to be proposing that the bus ride was an attempt to cover up Oswald getting a ride to his boardinghouse from his co-conspirators. The same conspirators who apparently want Oswald to be framed for the JFK assassination and killed are assisting in his escape for some unknown reason. Putting that aside, however, the bus takes him nowhere rendering that narrative entirely pointless in explaining how he reaches his boardinghouse. Round and round in circles it goes. And we get bizarre claims like the bus transfer was "pristine" to change the topic from the obvious logical fallacies of his claims.
If you have 2 people in auto's behind the Rambler corroborating Roger Craig's account of Ozzie being picked up by an apparent accomplice, you can't patsy him as a LN assassin.
At 5:06 Curry says they have reports LHO was picked up by a Negro in a car.
LHO is arrested @ approximately 1:55pm.
He is searched @ 4:05pm and five live rounds of .38 calibre pistol shells are found in his left front pocket.
So apparently LHO wasn't searched for the first 2hrs. 10min. he was in custody?
"At approximately 1:55pm Friday, November 22, 1963, I was in the vicinity
of the Texas Theater in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas, looking for the suspect
in the slaying of officer J.D. Tippit."
"I joined the other officers in attempting to complete the arrest"
"succeeded in subduing the suspect, and while the other officers held the suspect, Officer Ray Hawkins and I handcuffed the suspect."
"At 4:05pm Sims, Boyd, and Det. M.C. Hall took Oswald down to the holdover in the jail
office for a show-up. Down in the hold over, Boyd searched Oswald and found
five live rounds of .38 calibre pistol shells in his left front pocket. Sims
found a bus transfer slip in Oswald's shirt pocket."