I'd like to use existing 3D modelling of Dealey Plaza in order to do some tests. I would then create my own drawings off of this. I'm talking about the 3D modelling such as seen in the documentaries:Dale Myers: Inside The Target CarJFK: The Smoking GunOr even the modelling as done on this website using a program called "blender" (but whom i'm not sure is the author): http://merdist.com/wp/2018/12/02/the-shot-from-the-front/I could use the modelling of the "game" JFK Reloaded but the graphics on that are poor.
https://blenderartists.org/t/open-source-3d-model-of-dealey-plaza/656803Slim pickings for above and that software has a very steep learning curve. I know because I've worked in media for over 30 years and tried it out. I just couldn't figure it out. Good luck with it.
Regarding Dale Myers, you may enjoy reading how Myers pulled a whopper on the unsuspecting public with his animation...and won an award for it.http://www.patspeer.com/chapter12c%3Aanimania