Sure. Whatever. A cartoon outline figure equates Kennedy's seated position in the motorcade.
Are you really that obtuse? You literally didn't understand my post? I must have posted the 2 laser challenge a dozen times on this forum and you never understood what I was getting at? Your problem is that you didn't realize the graphic was to show you how to do the experiment, not the experiment itself. Otherwise, CGI can't prove anything because it can defy logic and physics. You need reality.
Skip the CGI and put yourself in any position you like in the 2 laser scenario but actually do a physical re-enactment for a change. The lasers represent a straight line path thru JFK, not the trajectory of the MB from the SN. And remember, you can't fake real!
Now go out there and buy a couple of cheap leveling lasers and a protractor and do the goddamned experiment for yourself, then post your results and make me eat crow.