Now your claim is conditional, but before ...
"What my experiment tells you is that it couldn't
have happened the way the WC said it did."
You asked me what my experiment could tell you, if you bothered to do it. But you didn't understand my ans the 1st time so forget it.
So if one does the experiment and the laser strikes match the wound sites from the JFK autopsy, one simply proclaims it and doesn't have to show their pictures?
No, it's so YOU will do the experiment for yourself and stop posting your feckless graphics.
What are you talking about? Map-making?
No, I'm talking about photogrammetry, which is the only way you can use graphics to render a 3D model from a 2D image and use it to make your point, otherwise, your graphics tell us nothing and you are obviously not a photogrammetrist.
Well, we tried to show you that the subject in the autopsy photos was the same man with the same hair, but you argued that he must have been given a haircut during the autopsy. ( Link )
You showed me squat. Your excuse was "short at the back, long on top", but I was talking about the long on top, short on top (autopsy) aspect of the photos. Then your next excuse was "wet on top just looks like short on top". Do you see the LNer excuse pattern here? Didn't think so.
What you failed to grasp here is that proving the MB was possible cannot be achieved with 2D graphics and Photoshop. You must use photogrammetry to restore the 3D to a 2D photo so you can measure all the 3D angles, etc. Since you are no photo expert your only option is to conduct your experiments in the real world with real 3D objects and lasers. Then you don't have to know anything about forensic photo-metrology to prove the MB was possible, which you don't.
This is my last response to you in this thread because it is like pounding my head against the wall. So you can have the last word. But from now on refer to the following graphic to demonstrate the SET UP for my 2 laser challenge, which you not only failed to do, but failed to comprehend.
Otherwise, soldier on!