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Author Topic: Hugh Aynesworth...Solver of the Kennedy Assassination  (Read 25762 times)

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Hugh Aynesworth...Solver of the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2019, 12:42:43 AM »
Go get your eyes checked. If you are going to troll my posts...try being a bit more creative. I will enlarge print for your apparent deficient vision.---                                                                                                     James Hosty, Assignment: Oswald

 FBI SA James Hosty... --Aynesworth = liar ............source cited
Aynesworth---I am not a liar---trust me [meaning = f**k off]
Whether or not Oswald was actually an informant for the FBI could not be we will never know. We do know that Aynesworth supplied mis-information unless this post was read with your eyes closed. I realize that Mr Aynesworth must have really sugar talked you somewhere along the line.
Have him canonized if you wish.

Go get your eyes checked.

Your post that you made your claim in doesn't include any basis for your claim. If it is in an earlier post, then I missed it because I didn't look back there. Include something to support your claim in the same post as your claim and you might be able avoid such confusion.

FBI SA James Hosty... --Aynesworth = liar ............source cited
Aynesworth---I am not a liar---trust me [meaning = f**k off]
Whether or not Oswald was actually an informant for the FBI could not be we will never know. We do know that Aynesworth supplied mis-information unless this post was read with your eyes closed. I realize that Mr Aynesworth must have really sugar talked you somewhere along the line.
Have him canonized if you wish.

You are now referencing an entirely different event than you did in the post that has your claim and that I responded to earlier. Here is another side of this incident from "Witness to History by Hugh Aynesworth:

One reporter who felt certain Oswald had worked for the government was Alonzo "Lonnie" Hudkins of the Houston Post. Lonnie called constantly, hoping I'd uncovered something to move the story along. In time, I grew tired of Lonnie's queries, especially since I doubted his sources were that good. One day as I was busily juggling deadline stories for Newsweek, where I was then a stringer, and the Times of London as well as a weekend piece for the News, Lonnie called once more and asked me, "You hear anything about this FBI link with Oswald?" Tired of him bugging me, I said to him "You got his payroll number, don't you?"

"Yeah, yeah," Lonnie said.

I reached over on my desk for a telegram and read part of a Telex number to him.

"Yeah, yeah, he said, "that's the same one I've got."

I knew that if Lonnie accepted the number as legitimate, he had nothing. He said he'd check his sources and get back to me.

Weeks passed, and I forgot about the call until January 1, 1964, when Hudkins published a front page article in the Post, alleging that Oswald may have been a federal operative. Naturally the story caused quite a stir. Members of the newly created Warren Commission summoned several top Texas law enforcement officials and advisers to Washingto to discuss the development, including Waggoner Carr, the state Attorney General, Dallas DA Henry Wade, and his assistant Bill Alexander; J. Edgar Hoover of course told the commission that the story was not true. The Texas folks denied any knowledge of where Hudkins got his story, and the story pretty much died - for a while.

Lonnie never disclosed his source for the bogus number, and I didn't admit to it for at least several years.

FBI Agent Joe Hosty was among those upset over the Hudkins story. In Assignment Oswald, he castigated me not only for the Jack Revill story that Jim Ewell and I published but also for being, along with Bill Alexander, the supposed source of Hudkins' fantasy.

When Hosty later called me, it was in part to apologize for that mistake. "Just wanted you to know that I visited with Hudkins later," he said, "and understand that it was his contention, not yours and Alexander's, about the alleged financial connection between the bureau and Oswald. I always admit my errors."

I know that you desperately want to believe Aynesworth is a liar. But it doesn't appear that way to me.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Hugh Aynesworth...Solver of the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2019, 12:42:43 AM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Hugh Aynesworth...Solver of the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2019, 02:34:42 AM »
I know that you desperately want to believe Aynesworth is a liar. But it doesn't appear that way to me.
And you desperately want to believe that he isn't...illustrating that you never will.
So I might as well continue this particular discussion with the dead as discussed in another post ;)
One thing I did enjoy was about his stuff--- is when Mr Anyesworth called out Bill O'Reilly in his lie about his uncertain presence in Florida [from the BS book 'Killing Kennedy']
I never did like snotty snobby Bill O'Reilly who BTW was too famously heralded also.

Offline Dale Nason

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Re: Hugh Aynesworth...Solver of the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2019, 12:58:36 AM »
Jerry, I appreciate that you have an opinion. However, I think you'd have a much more acceptable opinion if you didn't automatically criticize others opinions or statements. I've made it a point to not get into arguments or heated discussions with others on here because I'm more into learning about facts and new information than getting insulted or criticized because I disagree with someone. I'm not here for the DRAMA. As Joe Friday said in DRAGNET....." just the facts ma'am, just the facts".

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Hugh Aynesworth...Solver of the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2019, 12:58:36 AM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Hugh Aynesworth...Solver of the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2019, 01:20:19 AM »
   Quote from: Dale Nason on Today at 06:58:36 PM
    Jerry, I appreciate that you have an opinion.

You are also entitled to yours.

Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Re: Hugh Aynesworth...Solver of the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2019, 09:44:12 AM »
Charles, you're approach is black, or white. Facts indicate it is Why not marvel at the details instead of "nothing to see here, Jerry is mistaken, move along, readers...."

......Cousin Eleanor had a brother, cousin James Augustus Thomas, Jr.:....


Description of 1969 death of Priscilla's father: (Allen Dulles's cousin was last to see him alive...)

Aynesworth was assigned to "cover" the Garrison investigation and prosecution of Clay Shaw in 1967 by Osborne Elliott. Elliott's brother was married to Eleanor Lansing Thomas, Allen and Foster Dulles's cousin, who happened to be the maid of honor in Allen's daughter Clover's wedding.

This Dulles cousin, Eleanor Lansing Thomas Osborne, sister-in-law of Ayneswprth's boss, happened to have a brother, James A. Thomas, Jr., who Priscilla testified to HSCA, instigated, managed, or participated in a "concealed suicide," of Priscilla's father, Stuart Holmes Johnson, in 1969. Priscilla testified to HSCA that this event upset her to the degree she was using it as the primary excuse for the delay in delivering her book, (from 1969 to 1977) "Marina & Lee," to her extremely patient Harper's editor, Marion S. Wyeth. Wyeth happened to be in the wedding party of a close friend of DeMohrenschildt's CIA shadow, Tom Devine.
Wyeth happened to live with his parents just two doors down, on a dead end street, from DeMohrenschildt's wife's father, Philip Sharples. Wyeth's father, an architect, designed both the home of Sharples and of Tom Devine's "best friend in Rochester," Joseph F Dryer, Jr. (before Dryer purchased the house). Devine's best man at his 1973 Jupiter Island wedding was William B. Macomber, Jr., also of Rochester, who, along with his wife, Phyliss Bernau, were two of Foster Dulles's closest Dept. of State, aids. Macomber was also best man in the 1946 wedding of Bush's sister, Nancy.

Aynesworth, to my knowledge, reported none of the above relevant and interesting coincidences, despite being on the scene to "catch wind," of at least some of them. I came along, 40+ years later, equipped only with curiousity, an internet connection, and a keyboard.

You can't make this stuff up, at least I cannot. I wouldn't know where to even begin.

Well why don't you begin by ringing up Mssr. Aynesworth, Tom?  As you said, my mom's cousin Jerry O'Leary and he were 'everywhere' on that dark day.  Life is an open secret+

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Hugh Aynesworth...Solver of the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2019, 09:44:12 AM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Hugh Aynesworth...Solver of the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2019, 09:10:23 PM »
Dale's post about criticism leads me to comment that this whole forum is a trove of criticism.
[If you believe in the official are brainwashed..gullible]
[If you don't...then you must be a drooling kook]
Spokespeople for the "other side" include Priscilla Johnson McMillan, author of Marina and Lee, and former newspaperman Hugh Aynesworth. It would be petty I suppose to mention that both of them had clandestine relationships with intelligence agencies in the past, CIA in McMillan's case [1] and FBI as well as CIA in Aynesworth's [2]. I do not mean to convey that this is sinister per se; simply that given the many documented failures of these agencies with respect to the JFK murder, it is not too much to expect an acknowledgment of these sources' potential biases. [3] Another of the talking heads, Edward Jay Epstein, has acknowledged that one of his books on the case was written in extensive consultation with James Angleton, former head of CIA CounterIntelligence and himself a "person of interest." [4] Perhaps this film is "art," not journalism, and thus exempt from such disclosures.
Declassified documents show that Dallas reporter Hugh Aynesworth was in contact with the Dallas CIA office and had on at least one occasion "offered his services to us." The files are chock full of Aynesworth informing to the FBI, particularly in regard to the Garrison investigation. See for example an account of lengthy FBI meeting with Aynesworth on 26 Apr 1967 re: Garrison and 5 May 1967 Domestic Intelligence Division note. See also a CIA 27 Dec 1967 account of a phone call in which Aynesworth is said to have offered to secure documents "extracted" from Garrison's files (by William Gurvich). Also of note is a message Aynesworth sent to George Christian at LBJ's White House, in which Aynesworth wrote that "My interest in informing government officials of each step along the way is because of my intimate knowledge of what Jim Garrison is planning."
Aynesworth repeats the "Lassie defense," whereby Ruby, a man who even the Warren Commission acknowledged "frequently resorted to violence," [10] wouldn't have left his dog in the car if he had been planning to shoot Oswald. Priscilla Johnson McMillan reminds us that Oswald the loner "didn't do anything with anybody" and repeats the story of his leaving his wedding ring in a teacup for Marina the morning of the assassination. Epstein adds that "not a shred has come out that would indicate what this conspiracy was. After forty years, none of the theories pan out." Norman Mailer summarizes that "the internal evidence (of conspiracy) just wasn't there."
"Kennedy's Ghost"
A review of Robert Stone's Oswald's Ghost by Rex Bradford , 1 Feb 2008
So it is reported that Hugh Aynesworth spent his life beating back conspiracy proponents and their conspiracy ideas.
Then---I find it troublesomely difficult to believe that after all that Hugh Aynesworth [being a dedicated correspondent] had encountered on the assassination weekend..that he had felt no particular inspiration of his own to go down with the other reporters and report on the transfer of Oswald to county jail. He didn't have to run down there like it was to the Texas Theater [which I still consider dubious]
I find it rather unlikely that it would after all be his wife that would prod him to go down there. I also think it rather unlikely that she entered the police basement also... and stood alongside when Oswald was brought down. If there only was corroboration or a photo or something but I have never seen any. 1963 was a men only time when it came to police work and police business and the DPD and vicinity of the inner sanctum was a no girls allowed clique else show me --evidence.

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Hugh Aynesworth...Solver of the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2019, 11:36:59 PM »
Dale's post about criticism leads me to comment that this whole forum is a trove of criticism.
[If you believe in the official are brainwashed..gullible]
[If you don't...then you must be a drooling kook]"Kennedy's Ghost"
A review of Robert Stone's Oswald's Ghost by Rex Bradford , 1 Feb 2008
So it is reported that Hugh Aynesworth spent his life beating back conspiracy proponents and their conspiracy ideas.
Then---I find it troublesomely difficult to believe that after all that Hugh Aynesworth [being a dedicated correspondent] had encountered on the assassination weekend..that he had felt no particular inspiration of his own to go down with the other reporters and report on the transfer of Oswald to county jail. He didn't have to run down there like it was to the Texas Theater [which I still consider dubious]
I find it rather unlikely that it would after all be his wife that would prod him to go down there. I also think it rather unlikely that she entered the police basement also... and stood alongside when Oswald was brought down. If there only was corroboration or a photo or something but I have never seen any. 1963 was a men only time when it came to police work and police business and the DPD and vicinity of the inner sanctum was a no girls allowed clique else show me --evidence.

I find it rather unlikely that it would after all be his wife that would prod him to go down there. I also think it rather unlikely that she entered the police basement also... and stood alongside when Oswald was brought down.

Where are you getting that from?

I believe that I have already posted earlier in this thread what Hugh Aynesworth wrote in his book about it. And neither one is true!

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Hugh Aynesworth...Solver of the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #31 on: December 13, 2019, 03:18:31 AM »
The Oswald did it-- three shot yarn..........with newer colorful twists ::)

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Hugh Aynesworth...Solver of the Kennedy Assassination
« Reply #31 on: December 13, 2019, 03:18:31 AM »