So you've been to Dealey Plaza, studied the assassination for decades and have years of hunting and
shooting experience. Based on that resume your of the opinion no shots came from the front.
There were witnesses in Dealey Plaza with plenty of hunting and shooting experience and most of them
headed for the Grassy Knoll because they thought the shots came from there..
And guess what? I find the ear witnesses who were there and heard the shots from the Knoll more
Okay Gary, forget that I have experience with firearms and been to Dealy Plaza. You said "most of them headed for the grassy knoll". How many and who are they? Kindly tell me where the shooter was for putting a shot through the windshield and hitting the president in the throat? Given the layout of the Plaza, the angle and incline of Elm St., the position of the limo at the time the president reacted to that shot, physically where was that shooter? Can you name the ear witnesses that heard a shot come from the area of the triple underpass? Where did the bullet go to?