Yes, many CTers suggest there must be some tidy, rational motive for a guy to take his rifle to work and assassinate the President. As though that is the act of a normal person which must be explained with absolute certainty that we can all agree upon. Oswald was clearly an angry malcontent. That is the leitmotif of his entire life. He hated authority and blamed society for his unhappiness. He wanted to make his mark like many angry people with an act of violence. He likely had no particular personal grievance against JFK. As the President, JFK was a representative of American society who became a target of opportunity for a disgruntled nut who had already decided he was willing to sacrifice his own life to commit an act of violence. Oswald must have felt like he had won a golden ticket when he learned that JFK would be passing the TSBD in an open car. Everything fell in place for him after that. A happy guy to go out in a blaze of glory. The fact that we are still discussing him 50 plus years later is a sign that he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Ironically it is the CTers that are trying to rob him of his one successful act in life.
Richard and Bill,
If, as I suspect, all-around loser and self-proclaimed Marxist
Lee Harvey Oswald, disgusted as he was with life in America as well as in the USSR, assassinated President Kennedy on November 1963 in order to "accelerate The Dialectic" (and bring down both systems), I wonder if he could have envisioned that a mobbed-up, multi-billionaire, former KGB officer would be a de facto dictator of Russia today, and that his (Putin's) number one "useful idiot," Donald Trump, would be the nominal president of The United States?
Ironically, what Oswald did gave rise to oodles and gobs of tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, some of it Kremlin-promulgated, that paved the way for the likes of far-left (Oliver Stone, James "Jumbo Duh" DiEugenio)
and far-right conspiracy-spewing ideologues (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones), and, as a result of their "works," the advent of Donald J. Trump as our president.
-- MWT