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Author Topic: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination  (Read 16710 times)

Online Charles Collins

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Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
« Reply #40 on: December 17, 2019, 03:05:37 PM »
I don't think Oswald would have had the fortitude to last long eating acorns and bugs.  He doesn't strike me as that type.  From what we do know about him and his actions, he appears to have understood that his chances of pulling this off and getting away were slim to none.  He wasn't delusional on that point.  As evidenced by leaving most of his money and wedding ring with Marina.  So arrest or death was part of his calculation in deciding to commit the act.  That doesn't mean he was going to sit down and give up.  He played out his hand.   At first just trying to move away from a known location after obtaining his pistol.   What he would have done had he not encountered Tippit has to be speculation but we know his objective over the previous months was to gain entry to Cuba.  And that, however unrealistic, was his best and perhaps only hope after assassinating the president.  Castro gave asylum to hijackers and murders from the US including a guy who killed a police officer.   So as fantastic as it might sound it was Oswald's only real hope and consistent with his objectives prior to the assassination.  He knew the drill about going to Mexico from his recent trip.  Maybe in his demented mind if he could get to Mexico City and the Cuban embassy, he might be given asylum by Castro as some type of revolutionary hero.   A fantasy Oswald was cultivating for himself with the BY photos and attempt on Walker.

I agree, and I believe that if he hadn’t been detoured by the Tippit encounter then captured when he was, that there might have been an attempted hi jack at Love Field made by him that afternoon. And that Cuba was still where he wanted to be.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
« Reply #40 on: December 17, 2019, 03:05:37 PM »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
« Reply #41 on: December 17, 2019, 03:09:57 PM »
You have dozens of post here positing this bizarre (to me) theory that the KGB/DGI and Khrushchev or Castro directed Oswald to kill JFK. And then you (correctly) complain about rampant conspiracy thinking going around?

Frankly, your views on the assassination are really not much different than those of Oliver Stone and DiEugenio and Simpich. They just believe that the CIA was behind it all and you think the KGB or DGI was.

Then, to top it off, you've suggested that people here who disagree with you may be Putin's assets? Really?

As Richard pointed out above, Oswald probably didn't give much thought to his act. He retrieves his rifle the day before the assassination, he has zero practice with it, doesn't check it for accuracy and reliability. He has four bullets. He has to get a ride from a co-worker. He has to hope that he'll be alone at the time JFK passes by.

This is not the act of a well-trained assassin who prepares for the act on orders of Khrushchev. This is a desperate, angry man who got tragically lucky.


Given the fact that we are now saddled with a pro-"KGB" / anti-CIA president (soon to be dictator-for-life?), whom would you say, in hindsight, benefited more from the assassination of JFK (by an avowed Marxist, no less)?

1) The evil, evil, evil CIA, whose anti-KGB counterintelligence capabilities were destroyed by the combined efforts of Yuri "KGB Had Nothing To Do With Oswald In The USSR" Nosenko, Aleksei "I Duped Hoover For Fifteen Years" Kulak, Dimitri "I Tag-Teamed With Kulak" Polyakov, Boris "KGB Determined The Evil, Evil, Evil MIICC Did It" Orehkov, et al., and useful American idiots (or worse) Kovich, McCoy, Hart, Solie, Colby, et al., ... or ...

2) The humanitarian organization (and Putin's former employer) best known and  remembered as the "KGB" (oh-so-innocuously split into the "SVR" and the "FSB" because, "Hey, you gullible Americans, The Cold War Is Over!") ?


--  MWT  ;)

PS. Don't run away now, like you usually do.

PPS  There are oodles and gobs of wishful-thinking Americans who are unwitting (by definition) "useful idiots" of KGB-boy Vladimir Putin.

As I recall, 63 million of then voted for Trump in 2016.

So don't take it so personally, Steve M.

It can happen to any ignorant and/or gullible person.

« Last Edit: December 17, 2019, 03:27:14 PM by Thomas Graves »

Online John Iacoletti

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Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
« Reply #42 on: December 17, 2019, 03:20:22 PM »
Speaking of fantasies, “Richard” is apparently vying for the Pulitzer Prize in fiction.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
« Reply #42 on: December 17, 2019, 03:20:22 PM »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
« Reply #43 on: December 17, 2019, 03:38:25 PM »

Given the fact that we are now saddled with a pro-"KGB" / anti-CIA president (soon to be dictator-for-life?), whom would you say, in hindsight, benefited more from the assassination of JFK (by an avowed Marxist, no less)?

1) The evil, evil, evil CIA, whose anti-KGB counterintelligence capabilities were destroyed by the combined efforts of Yuri "KGB Had Nothing To Do With Oswald In The USSR" Nosenko, Aleksei "I Duped Hoover For Fifteen Years" Kulak, Dimitri "I Tag-Teamed With Kulak" Polyakov, Boris "KGB Determined The Evil, Evil, Evil MIICC Did It" Orehkov, et al., and useful American idiots (or worse) Kovich, McCoy, Hart, Solie, Colby, et al., ... or ...

2) The humanitarian organization (and Putin's former employer) best known and  remembered as the "KGB" (oh-so-innocuously split into the "SVR" and the "FSB" because, "Hey, you gullible Americans, The Cold War Is Over!") ?


--  MWT  ;)

PS. Don't run away now, like you usually do.

PPS  There are oodles and gobs of wishful-thinking Americans who are unwitting (by definition) "useful idiots" of KGB-boy Vladimir Putin.

As I recall, 63 million of then voted for Trump in 2016.

So don't take it so personally, Steve M.

It can happen to any ignorant and/or gullible person.

PPPS  Oswald wasn't necessarily controlled by the Kremlin. But he was influenced by it (by Marx, if nothing else), or ... gasp ... maybe Pacepa was telling the truth when he said Khrushchev wasn't able to call off the hit!

Regardless, the assassination gave false-defector Yuri Nosenko a great talking point  / "icebreaker" and reason to be "listened to" by the likes of my heroes Anglenton and Bagley and Westin and Miler and Rocca et al., (who already knew from Geneva 1962 that he was fake), and "taken seriously" by the likes of wishful-thinkers Leonard McCoy, HSCA-perjurer John L. Hart, and Bruce "Gum Shoe" Solie, et al.

The latter gang won out in the long run, and as a result, CIA Counterintelligence was decimated and demoralized, and false-defector Yuri Nosenko was not only given a large cash reward, but was actually hired by CIA to help train its recruits.

All of which paved the way for Adrich Ames' getting away with what he did, for so incredibly long as he did.

And for "Popov Mole" Edward Ellis Smith's not being uncovered during his lifetime, and the person in CIA's Soviet Russia Division he probably helped KGB to recruit never being uncovered ...

Etcetera ...


--  MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2019, 03:53:31 PM by Thomas Graves »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
« Reply #44 on: December 17, 2019, 08:30:05 PM »
You have dozens of post here positing this bizarre (to me) theory that the KGB/DGI and Khrushchev or Castro directed Oswald to kill JFK. And then you (correctly) complain about rampant conspiracy thinking going around?

Frankly, your views on the assassination are really not much different than those of Oliver Stone and DiEugenio and Simpich. They just believe that the CIA was behind it all and you think the KGB or DGI was.

Then, to top it off, you've suggested that people here who disagree with you may be Putin's assets? Really?

As Richard pointed out above, Oswald probably didn't give much thought to his act. He retrieves his rifle the day before the assassination, he has zero practice with it, doesn't check it for accuracy and reliability. He has four bullets. He has to get a ride from a co-worker. He has to hope that he'll be alone at the time JFK passes by.

This is not the act of a well-trained assassin who prepares for the act on orders of Khrushchev. This is a desperate, angry man who got tragically lucky.

I agree that there is no credible evidence of the involvement of the Russians in the JFK assassination.  At most, they may have used the CTer movement to promote distrust of the American government by promoting false theories like the CIA or LBJ were behind the crime.  There was some discussion of Mark Lane having been paid or working with the Russians in promoting his nutty claims.  A sort of disinformation campaign that Lane was adept at (if nothing else).  The Russians might have falsely hinted that they had intelligence information linking the CIA or LBJ to the crime.  There would be a Russian interest in eroding the American public's confidence in their own government.   So I wouldn't put that entirely past them.  But no involvement in the assassination itself.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
« Reply #44 on: December 17, 2019, 08:30:05 PM »

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
« Reply #45 on: December 17, 2019, 09:41:38 PM »
Instead of wasting your time on an Internet forum why don't you present your proof of Paine's involvement in the assassination to the authorities or make a Gomer Pyle-like citizen's arrest when she makes one of these appearance?  Surely you believe your own nonsense and aren't just spinning come compulsion driven conspiracy nonsense to pass the time.  Get back to us with the results.

 :D You are such a troll. I'm just here challenging all your LNer bullspombleprofglidnoctobuns because you know jack squat about how to process evidence, which is obvious. You have always been a shill for the conspirators, and I'm sure they thank you bigly for your patronage. But you can ease up now that 99% of them are dead, with the exception of Barr and a few other secondary players. IOWs, give it up, you've lost the war. Try not to think about the decades wasted shilling for nonsense. Maybe you should take a deep breath, reset, and start over.  ;D

Offline Thomas Graves

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Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
« Reply #46 on: December 18, 2019, 04:15:07 AM »
It's quite an obsession you have there, Thomas. Low-resolution images; and again with the adolescent sex references..


Are you telling me that, based on the clothes they're wearing (and the light blue headscarf one of them is wearing), you can't see that the three people on the Pergola Patio in the enlarged Towner film aren't only women, but that they're the same three women who were standing by the Stemmons sign in Zapruder?

Do you actually agree with Iacoletti when he suggests that they might be Bermuda shorts-wearing men?


Regarding Russophile Ruth Paine, isn't it interesting the the guy who handed the Oswalds off to her when he left the scene, George DeMohrenschildt, was probably a long-term KGB "illegal" according to CIA counterintelligence analyst Clare Edward Petty, as spelled out in Russell's The Man Who Knew Too Much?

Petty came to that conclusion around 1977, iirc, after having taken a close look at some WW II VENONA decrypts.

--  MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: December 18, 2019, 02:25:57 PM by Thomas Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
« Reply #46 on: December 18, 2019, 04:15:07 AM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Ruth Paine remembers the Assassination
« Reply #47 on: December 18, 2019, 02:38:41 PM »
:D You are such a troll. I'm just here challenging all your LNer bullspombleprofglidnoctobuns because you know jack squat about how to process evidence, which is obvious. You have always been a shill for the conspirators, and I'm sure they thank you bigly for your patronage. But you can ease up now that 99% of them are dead, with the exception of Barr and a few other secondary players. IOWs, give it up, you've lost the war. Try not to think about the decades wasted shilling for nonsense. Maybe you should take a deep breath, reset, and start over.  ;D

Try to focus.  It's impossible to follow your ramblings here.  So you won't be submitting your "evidence" of Paine's involvement in the assassination to the authorities or making a citizen's arrest?  I can only infer from that you don't believe your own nonsense but are just in the midst of some type of delusion.