Absolutely no idea what happened to it, possibly lost velocity going through the windshield and lodged in the throat ? Or fell out on route to parkland and was the bullet the secret service agent found in the limo? Parkland doctors stated it was a neat entry wound to the throat about a pinkie size opening. I believe and entry wound more than the SBT exiting the throat ! You ?
But there is no bullet hole in the windshield at the time JFK jerked his balled up hands and arms up to his chest/neck. I assume if he got shot in the throat/neck that he would react to it? Grab it? Be moved back? Something?
And what happened to the bullet that hit him in the back? Did that disappear too? I mean, two vanishing bullets is difficult to understand. And the bullet that hit Connally seemed to have been tumbling. What caused that to tumble?
When/where on the Zapruder film did this shot occur? We can see him react after he emerges from behind the highway sign, circa Z-223, and then when he is hit in the head at Z-313. Where did this shot that hit in the neck/throat take place?