Sure can..... Just look in the 26 volumes....
Walt, Chapman doesn't know anything about the case or the evidence. He's just here to troll and to post stupid movie clips.
Thank You, John.... So Lee was 69 1/2 " tall and he weighed 131 pounds. But perhaps you shouldn't have posted this document because now Chappie and his fellow LNer's will use the fact that Lee Harrrrrvey Ossssswald ( Boooo Hisss) refused to sign the document.... They'll say that even after he was dead he was still being uncooperative.
So you know the weight on the form was obtained from a weight-scale? That they weren't just taking his word for it?
That they weren't just taking his word for it? ROTFLMAO.... Ya know the old axiom.... "Dead men don't lie".....