McVeigh left a long trail of evidence about his motives. He was even wearing a T-shirt with a John Wilkes Booth quote at the time of his arrest.
In contrast, no one knows why Oswald allegedly killed JFK.
And I'm not claiming that Oswald's lack of a motive exonerates him. As I said earlier, I'm inclined to believe he was involved.
What I'm objecting to is the speculation that Oswald was some sort of ideology driven extremist.
There's lots of reasons to doubt that and as a suspect with no motive and no claim of responsibility, he doesn't fit the pattern of most fanatical extremist killers.
Oswald was a completely political person. Politics was his entire life; even more important than his family. He defected to the Soviet Union and turned his back on his family (read the letters he wrote to his brother). He returned to the US, failed miserably, and wanted to defect to Cuba. He was rejected and had to return to the US.
Note: In one letter to his brother when he lived in the USSR he wrote: "In the event of war, I would kill any American who put a uniform on in defense of the American government--any American." Granted, he likely suspected that the KGB was reading the letters so he wanted to impress them with his devotion of the country. Still, it's a pretty odd thing to write.
He regularly read - even though he had little money - radical publications. He talked politics, he read politics, he lived politics. Marina said he used to sing songs to Fidel and wanted to name their first baby Fidel.
His writings indicate he loathed the American political and economic systems. He also said he hated the Soviet system. His personal writings are only about politics. The evidence for me is persuasive that he tried to shoot Walker. He called himself a Marxist (as he understood the term). If that's not someone with extreme views then I'm not sure what we would call it.
I don't believe that on November 22, 1963 that he suddenly woke up and abandoned all of this.
This is a person with extreme views. Who dresses and acts like this?