That's pretty much it. I have no idea if Oswald actually handled that bag, or if there was a rifle in it when he handled it if he did handle it. But we now know that Latona's testimony and the archives' photos prove that the WC misrepresented Latona's testimony to help sell that the bag was the one seen by Frazier. I mean, they had the photos showing where prints A and B were, and they had Latona's testimony about prints A and B. How hard would it have been to get it right, as opposed to getting it wrong and using that mistake to help support their case against Oswald?
Add to this that Frazier was shown the bag allegedly found on the 6th floor, while he was being polygraphed, on Friday evening, and he denied it was the bag he had seen Oswald carry, describing the latter as a thin flimsy sack like the ones you can get from a dime store.
So, all there really is, is a paper bag, made from TSBD materials and found at the TSBD at a location where Oswald worked and a whole lot of conjecture and assumptions.