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Author Topic: Is The JFK Assassination and "Coverup" an indication we live in a "Deep State"?  (Read 8729 times)

Offline Thomas Graves

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LOL ! Hal Korda is my hero, Tommy. Despite not even finishing high school, he climbed into a plane on a NY airpost tarmac in 1962 and told the passengers, top executives of the major U.S. steel producers, to rescind their recent price hikes, and they did.
Oswald did not complete high school, either. Reindeer don't even attend school....

Sorry, Tom.

Uhh ... could you please connect the 17 dots for me?

Hal Korda ... was he married to the maid of a niece of a  second cousin twice-removed of David Rockefeller, or something?

--  MWT  ;)

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Offline Tom Scully

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Sorry, Tom.

Uhh ... could you please connect the 17 dots for me?

Hal Korda ... was he married to the maid of a niece of a  second cousin twice-removed of David Rockefeller, or something?

--  MWT  ;)

Tommy, I recently wrote to this guy,

globecub - Stanwood Piano › globecub
Snare, who loved to play golf, also founded the Havana Country Club in 1911 and was its ... I just took the picture out and put it on the mantel,'' he smiles. ... The only thing missing was the portrait of Frederick Snare, which the Stanwoods ...

....because I assumed he was the grandson of:

Frederick Snare was the principle general construction contractor in Cuba from almost the sinking of the battle ship Maine, through the 1950s when
Snare & Merritt constructed the nickel mining infrastructure under US government contract. The spouse of Frederick Snare, Jr. was... (amusing that no one ever said they were related to Foster's brother, Allen....)

Publication: Bennington Banner i Location: Bennington, Vermont Issue Date: Thursday, April 11, 1985 Page: 20

EDITH D. SNARE DORSET - Edith Dulles Snare, 88, (First) cousin of the late John Foster Dulles, died Wednesday at her home in Dorset, where she had lived for the past 45 years. She had formerly resided in Englewood, N.J. Active in local affairs, Mrs. Snare was a founder of the Dorset Nursing Association, an early executive director of the Southern Vermont Artists Association of Manchester, and established Snare Associates Real Estate in the 1950s. She leaves two daughters, Dorothy Warner of Dorset and Naples, Fla....

....He wasn't, but he put me in touch with his cousin, who was. The grandson emailed, inviting me to call or email. I've been mulling over what to ask him, considering, this was in 1958, five years after BP got what it wanted....

I was planning to ask him why the obit doesn't mention cousin Allen....

BTW, I'm not that confident about my ability to determine who the "bad people" are. What's your secret?


.....Terror Girl Seized Again Harriet (Tiny) Fleming, 20, who received a three-year suspended sentence last year for terrorizing with a razor the 16-year-old daughter of an Iranian diplomat, was arrested last night on burglary charges. Tinv and a companion, James Berkeley. 19, of 13S4 Boston Road, Bronx, were seized as they left a ransacked apartment at 1372 Franklin Ave., Bronx, with suitcases containing clothing, jewelry and a camera. They will be arraigned today. Tiny, who lives at 851 Fox St., Bronx, attacked Farideh Abdoh, daughter of Dr. Djalal Abdah, Iran's UN ambassador, in Central Park on May 10, '1958....
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 03:19:47 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Thomas Graves

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Tommy, I recently wrote to this guy,

....because I assumed he was the grandson of:

....He wasn't, but he put me in touch with his cousin, who was. The grandson emailed, inviting me to call or email. I've been mulling over what to ask him, considering, this was in 1958, five years after BP got what it wanted....

I was planning to ask him why the obit doesn't mention cousin Allen....


Please remind me once again -- are you a Marxist-Leninist?

--  MWT  ;)

PS  Maybe he was ashamed of him for having masterminded the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK and Malcolm X?

Oh, and Cock Robin, too.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 03:20:03 AM by Thomas Graves »

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Offline Tom Scully

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Please remind me once again -- are you a Marxist-Leninist?

--  MWT  ;)

PS  Maybe he was ashamed of him for having masterminded the assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK and Malcolm X?

Oh, and Cock Robin, too.

A Marxist-Leninist? Well, I'm not that partial to race mixin'. Wouldn't that disqualify me? I'd love to view an image of "Tiny", though!

Sept. 9 (P)-Police said today they had made a prize catch in their dragnet for teen-aged hoodlums. The youth, Louis Guzman, 14, is accused of hurling a gasoline bomb to light the scene while his companion opened fire on a group of people on the lower East Side Aug. 23. The shooting resulted in the death of Theresa Gee, 15. John Cruz, 17, now awaits trial for first-degree murder in the case. Aoother teen-ager was killed the same night in the lower East Side, and youthful crimes since then have taken throe other lives. Guzman, who weighs only 75 pounds, was described as one of the firebrands of Cruz's Forsyth Street gang. The tiny youth was arrested yesterday in hiding at his home, police said, and charged with juvenile delinquency. The continuing drive to round up young criminals has netted 387 youths under 21 since it began Friday night. Also picked up was Harriet (Tiny) Fleming, 20, a Negro girl accused last year of a razor attack on two young daughters of an Iranian diplomat. Police said this time she was caught burglarizing an apartment. The girl was freed on probation last year on the slashing charge. In the meantime, the district attorneys of the city's five bor oughs were called to an emergency meeting with Mayor Robert F. Wagner and Police Commissioner Stephen P. Kennedy to discuss the enforcement phase of their drive on juvenile!  ...
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 03:29:35 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Thomas Graves

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A Marxist-Leninist? Well, I'm not the partial to race mixin'. Wouldn't that disqualify me? I'd love to view an image of "Tiny", though!

Well, a few months ago you admitted to being a Communist, or a Marxist, or a Fabian Socialist, or some-such thing, didn't you?


What was it?  A Bernie Sanders supporter?  Jill Stein?  OAC?

Oh, that's right!  YOU like Joachim Joesten, Mark Lane, The Jolly Green Giant, and Oliver Stone!

No?  Okay, then ... Angela Davis?  Herbert Marcuse? Jane Fonda?

Vladimir Putin, because THE COLD WAR IS OVER ?
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 03:38:35 AM by Thomas Graves »

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Offline Tom Scully

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Well, a few months ago you admitted to being a Communist, or a Marxist, or a Fabian Socialist, or some-such thing, didn't you?


What was it?  A Bernie Sanders supporter?  Jill Stein?  OAC?

Oh, that's right!  YOU like Joachim Joesten, Mark Lane, Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone!

You must be thinking of someone else. Klobutcher was my candidate....I can't resist chief prosecutors running for POTUS.
I've met Jane, nothing wrong with Jane. She apologized for Hanoi.... good example for our twitterer-in-chief!

Sure, I wrote to Stone to warn him about Lemann and J. Duh, doesn't mean I like him.

AGC Television Picks up Worldwide on Oliver Stone’s ‘JFK: Destiny Betrayed’
By John Hopewell

Tom Scully October 15, 2019 at 6:53 am
I like Jim DiEugenio personally, and I think he usually does good work,
but in this instance, Jim is actually protecting Nicholas B. Lemann,
author of the 1992 article published in GQ Magazine attacking, Garrison
and co-screenplay writers of “JFK the Movie, Oliver Stone and Zachary
Sklar. ......
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 03:41:12 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Thomas Graves

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You must be thinking of someone else. Klobutcher was my candidate....I can't resist chief prosecutors running for POTUS.
I've met Jane, nothing wrong with Jane. She apologized for Hanoi.... good example for our twitterer-in-chief!

Sure, I wrote to Stone to warn him about Lemann and J. Duh, doesn't mean I like him.


Do you idolize Jim Garrison?

Pity that.

A "useful idiot" (or worse) if ever there was one.

--  MWT  ;)
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 04:35:22 AM by Thomas Graves »

Offline Mike Orr

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 The old adage of you have to screw them before they screw you had to be in the thought process of LBJ !

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