I have now read the Jarman HSCA testimony as well as all sorts of other information on the subject of Shelley and Lovelady I came across while searching with google. I must say that if what Jarman said is true, it's a complete game changer. If Oswald indeed exited the building when Truly and Baker were still on the steps of the entrance, it means that Oswald must have left the building in less than 30 seconds after the shots, making it physically impossible for him to be the shooter on the 6th floor and reducing the lunchroom encounter between Baker and Oswald to the realm of fiction.
But we now know that Mr Oswald claimed to have gone "outside to watch the P. parade". Along with an increasing number of people, I believe that's precisely what he did.
If so, then it would seem that Mr Lovelady----------
a) didn't notice Mr Oswald standing near him at the time of the shooting (--->he would tell the HSCA that Mr Oswald
could have been there without his having noticed him)
b) just after the shooting, did notice Officer Baker and Mr Truly running past him and up the steps
c) turning around in response to this and looking back up the steps, did see (i) Officer Baker
appearing to confront Mr Oswald who (being at the front door)
appeared to be only now exiting... (ii) Mr Truly
appearing to 'clear' Mr Oswald with the officer
d) misconstrued the encounter between Mr Oswald and the officer as Mr Oswald being
stopped on his way out of the building.
In reality, Officer Baker was just asking Mr Oswald did he work here (-------> could he tell him where the nearest stairs were).
Remember! The DPD were happily telling the press on 11/22 that Mr Oswald was 'stopped'
at the front door---------
just as police were rushing in. Only when it was established (later that evening) that Officer Baker had entered the building barely
half a minute after the last shot, the lunchroom hoax was created in order to destroy Mr Oswald's rock-solid alibi.