Well, you said "facts" and I said "facts". A fact may be established by several pieces of evidence. If you want to show that a conclusion of fact should not be drawn, you have to show that many if not all of those pieces of evidence are wrong.
No, all I have to do is show that the conclusion doesn't necessarily follow from the evidence. It's a fact that Oswald left his wedding ring behind. It's not a fact that he did so because he was planning to shoot the president.
Bugliosi refers to such things as: Oswald?s Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was the murder weapon;
You're already off the rails when you say "Oswald?s Mannlicher-Carcano rifle". That's an assumption, not a fact.
Oswald was the only employee at the Book Depository Building who fled the building after the assassination;
Define "fled". That's a value judgment, not a fact. He certainly left and didn't return, which is true for other employees as well.
Forty-five minutes later, he shoots and kills Officer J. D. Tippit, Dallas Police Department;
Again, you're assuming that he killed somebody else to demonstrate that he killed JFK. That doesn't follow.
that murder bore the signature of a man in desperate flight from some awful deed;
"bore the signature"? What on earth does that mean? You could also say that Tippit's murder "bore the signature" of a professional hit man -- rapid shooting from the hip.
thirty minutes later at the Texas Theater he resists arrest,
They had no grounds for arrest, nor did they tell him he was under arrest, hence he could not by definition have "resisted arrest". Also the arrest report box for "resisted" was not even checked.
pulls a gun on the arresting officer;
That's flat out false. Even by McDonald's account, he merely "went for it". Whatever that means. What does this have to do with Kennedy anyway?
during his interrogation, Oswald told one provable lie after another,
Really? Name them. Along with your proof that they are lies.
Each of these facts are established by many pieces of evidence.Yes I do. I have the BY photos,
How do the backyard photos tell you who killed Kennedy?
the Klein's purchase records and shipping records;
There are no shipping records. How do Klein's purchase records tell you who killed Kennedy?
the post office records,
What post office records?
the evidence of Marina;
What evidence of Marina?
the green fibres in the paper bag,
What do these fibers that can't even be tied to any specific item tell you about who killed Kennedy?
his palm prints on the stock;
You're confused. There were no discernible prints on any stock.
the fact that no other MC rifle was ever found in Oswald's possessions.
How does that fact tell you who killed Kennedy? The clothing in the backyard photos were never found either. Does that mean he never had them?
And that requires more than just 7 pieces of evidence. For example, there is a whole lot of evidence just to establish that the BY photos were taken by Marina and were not altered.
You mean the same Marina who said she took one photo with a camera that you hold up to your face? No wait, I guess it was 2 photos. No, three.
But lets say that Marina took all the photos and they were not altered. How does that tell you who killed Kennedy?
And that is not all. You also have the evidence that he fired his MC at Gen. Walker
What is your evidence that Oswald fired an MC at Gen. Walker?
and the bullets from Walker's home are consistent with the riflings on bullets fired by C2766.
What bullets? You mean the mutilated
steel-jacketed bullet that the police said they found there?
All this evidence together establishes that C2766 belonged to Oswald.
Actually none of it establishes that C2766 belonged to Oswald.
One has to ask: how does all of this evidence fit together so consistently if they are all wrong?
Who said they're all wrong? I'm asking you how any of this demonstrates that Oswald killed Kennedy.
Sure there is. The order was in an envelope from A. Hidell with a return address of Box 2915 Dallas Texas and the envelope was stamped by Kleins stating that the order was filled and shipped to that address.
It was? Show me that stamped envelope.
It was done in the ordinary course of business for Kleins. Business records are admissible for the purpose of establishing those facts.
What "business record" shows that a package ever went through the US mail to this address? Klein's would have had to pay postage for this shipment, right? Where is the record of that payment?
Do you think that in the ordinary course of business someone at Klein's is going to remember actually putting postage on that parcel and putting it in the mail?
How do you know it went through the mail then?
The evidence is that it was found on Connally's stretcher.
The guy who found it disagrees with you.
In any event, it was found by a Parkland nurse.
No it wasn't. I don't think you're familiar with the evidence in this case very well at all.
So it was either part of the assassination or part of a huge conspiracy.
How does that follow? A bullet with a pointed tip was found on an unrelated stretcher at Parkland Hospital. What reason do you have for assuming it was related to the assassination of JFK? Why does it take a "huge conspiracy" for an unrelated bullet to be found at a hospital?
Unless you have evidence of the conspiracy, the evidence that it was fired by c2766 leads inexorably to the conclusion that it fired by C2766 as one of the three shots that were made during the assassination.
You don't actually know that any of the shots in Dealey Plaza were fired by C2766. That's an assumption too. Given that you can't demonstrate that CE399 was the bullet found on the stretcher or that CE399 ever went through Kennedy, Connally, or any human body at any time, your assumption that it was involved in the assassination is completely without merit.