Is that based on Finck saying years later words to the effect that "I thought we had taken that picture" and "It would be nice to have such a picture"?
Ironic having Finck ordering up or wishing there were photographs since he has such a mixed opinion of them by 1996:
"Dr. Finck, if I could ask you to look just once more to see if you can see any evidence in
this photograph of where the bullet entry wound was in the head of President Kennedy,
if you can see any evidence of that in this photograph?
"It is very difficult to do with preciseness in a photograph. I examined the wounds themselves.
To look at a photograph is not like the examination of the wound itself."
Where in the autopsy report does it say the back wound was at T1 or lower, or entered the back itself? The autopsy report situated the wound above the scapula at the base of the back of the neck.
"The other missile entered the right superior posterior thorax above
the scapula and traversed the soft tissues of the supra-scapular and
the supra-clavicular portions of the base of the right side of the neck."
It is that location that Ford honored when he made changes that would better reflect what the autopsy report said.

One could take "above the shoulder" to mean the shoulder line. In being true to the autopsy report, it could be said that Ford was actually lowering the wound location from how it was worded in the Report's draft.
Ford changed the wording because it needed to be, not because he wanted a false narrative to frame young Oswald.
The trail would be high if the bullet enter near the cowlick. And along the top right side of the brain is where there is brain missing. The area near the EOP is intact and has no metallic fragments.
The Clark Panel didn't "change" the head wound location just out of the blue. It was their examination of the autopsy materials that showed no skull wound slightly above the EOP and a wound that was almost four inches above the EOP.
It's interesting how critics first denounced the Bethesda pathologists and autopsy ("unworthy of a Bowery b.u.m" Weisberg), but contend they must have seen the skull entry wound and the EOP on a reflected scalp. Never mind that such an opportunity would have afford a measured distance between the EOP and wound. And that should a scene would very likely been recorded in a photograph. Neither happened.
"Finally, regarding JFK?s still-controversial skull wound, In formerly secret testimony taken 24 years ago, Dr. Finck described to the Select Committee how he had photographed the beveling in JFK?s skull bone to prove that the low wound in occipital bone was an entrance wound. In the following exchange, Dr. Finck was being asked by the Select Committee?s forensic consultants whether the official images were those Dr. Finck had claimed were missing."
Charles Petty, MD: "If I understand you correctly, Dr. Finck, you wanted particularly to have a photograph made of the external aspect of the skull from the back to show that there was no cratering to the outside of the skull."
Finck: "Absolutely."
Petty: "Did you ever see such a photograph?"
Finck: "I don't think so and I brought with me memorandum referring to the examination of photographs in 1967... and as I can recall I never saw pictures of the outer aspect of the wound of entry in the back of the head and inner aspect in the skull in order to show a crater although I was there asking for these photographs. I don't remember seeing those photographs."
Petty: ?All right. Let me ask you one other question. In order to expose that area where the wound was present in the bone, did you have to or did someone have to dissect the scalp off of the bone in order to show this??
Finck: ?Yes.?
Petty: ?Was this a difficult dissection and did it go very low into the head so as to expose the external aspect of the posterior cranial fascia (sic - meant ?fossa?)??
Finck: ?I don?t remember the difficulty involved in separating the scalp from the skull but this was done in order to have a clear view of the outside and inside to show the crater from the inside ? the skull had to be separated from it in order to show in the back of the head the wound in the bone.?[156]
Here is the Attorney General, in a taped phone call, telling LBJ they don't have the photo of JFK's right lung.
The one Humes testified was taken. 1-21-67 12:00 Noon
Time: 7 mins 25 secs at the end of a 8 mins 31 secs conversation
Phone Conversation between Acting Attorney General Ramsey Clark and President Lyndon Johnson
Re: Autopsy Photos
"That is, there may be a photo missing. Dr. Humes, Commander and Naval doctor, testified before the Warren Commission that this one photo made of the highest portion of the right lung."
"It could be contended that that photo could show the course and direction the bullet that entered the lower part of the neck and exited the front part."
"We are left with one specific problem. Dr. Humes did testify before the Warren Commission there was such a photo [that]
we don't have."

