If the late Mr.Doyles alleged interview with relatives of Sarah Stanton is true, then Sarah Stanton saw Oswald with a “Pepsi” in hand on the 2nd floor landing BEFORE the lunchroom had cleared of all the office women. Time of observation by Stanton was probably not later than 12:10
So if Oswald already had a bottle in hand at 12:10 Then it most likely came from the 1st floor Dr. Pepper machine, otherwise, Stanton and other office women still in the lunchroom around 12:00-12:15 would have seen Oswald ENTER the lunchroom , go to the machine and buy a coke.
Seeing the lunchroom was still occupied, perhaps Oswald decided to return to the Domino room.
Carolyn Arnold’s account of returning!? To lunchroom at 12:15 is in conflict with Virgie Rackeys FBI statement of Arnold leaving the office with her presumably together and no account of Arnold separating from Rackley upon exiting the front office door.