Mr. Oswald, Mr. Truly, Mr. Shelley & sundry other TSBD men have been on the same team: facilitation of the White House-approved false flag operation (deliberately missed shots from the TSBD) that will be blamed on pro-Castro elements (incl. specifically [though not as gunman] the 'known' Castro sympathizer Mr. Oswald) and will serve as a pretext for C-Day (12/1/63).
Friends, I inadvertently deleted all but one snippet of my last post but two. (Note to self: the MODIFY button works different to the QUOTE button!)
Here again are the basic points covered in that deleted post, in which I summarized the conclusions I have come to based on the available evidence:
1. Mr. Oswald signed up for participation in a White House-approved off-books false flag incident to involve deliberate misses from the TSBD.
2. This shockingly provocative action would be blamed on pro-Castro elements.
3. The point of the staged missed-shots incident: to serve as pretext for C-Day (12/1/63)
4. Mr. Oswald--------a 'known' pro-Castro troublemaker but in actuality a govt. asset---------would become the public face/name of the outrage, the inside man at the TSBD who helped make it all happen. There would be evidence pointing to his involvement (though NOT as gunman), which fact would allow the incident to be sold to the public as a pro-Castro provocation.
5. Mr. Oswald signed up to play this role. He expected to be whisked away from Dallas (perhaps flown out of Redbird?), in all probability never to see his wife & children again. The world would be told that he had fled to Cuba.
6. Mr. Oswald, like a number of others at the TSBD, played his part----------in his case, right up to and including signaling in the form of flag-waving as Pres. Kennedy was passing.
7. However, as soon as he learned to his horror that Pres. Kennedy was actually hit, he knew he was in deepest trouble. The false-flag operation had turned into an actual assassination of the very man who had greenlit the false-flag operation. And Mr. Oswald would be exposed by name, because that had been baked into the false-flag plan.
8. He ended up making his way to the Texas Theatre to meet a contact he was told would be there. But his goose was already cooked. To his great credit, he never broke cover even under the unimaginable stress of arrest & interrogation. Right up to the end, he hoped for rescue by those he had served. But instead he got a bullet from Mr. Jack Ruby.
9. The assassination came as a complete shock to all those who had (like Mr. Oswald) taken part in good faith in 'Conspiracy A' (the false-flag operation). They found themselves horribly exposed.
10. Those in the TSBD (Messrs. Truly, Shelley et al.), who had been
on the same team as Mr. Oswald, had no choice but to hang him out to dry.
11. The Kennedy loyalists (incl. Mr. Robert Kennedy) were in an impossible situation. The last thing they could afford-----------for their own sakes as well as for the sake of Pres. Kennedy's memory----------would be for the true facts behind the assassination to come out. And so, in order to cover up the ethically and politically abhorrent (and utterly reckless) false-flag operation, they gave full backing to the truly absurd LN theory. Mr. Robert Kennedy even meddled in the autopsy ('on behalf of the family'.) A real investigation would be apocalyptic for all concerned.
Under no circumstances could the world know that Pres. Kennedy had gone into Dealey Plaza expecting to hear gunfire.12. Of course, the complete post-assassination paralysis of ALL those behind the false-flag operation had been factored in by those behind 'Conspiracy B' (the actual assassination plot, which piggybacked on 'Conspiracy A').
“It would not be a very difficult job to shoot the president of the United States. All you’d have to do is get up in a high building with a high-powered rifle with a telescopic sight, and there’s nothing anybody could do.”
(Pres. John F. Kennedy, morning of 11/22/63