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Author Topic: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )  (Read 328109 times)

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #264 on: August 05, 2020, 05:34:26 PM »
Friends, I invite you to consider the part of Officer Marion Baker's 11/22/63 affidavit which I have underlined-----------------

So! As Officer Baker was entering the front door, he saw several people standing around and spoke to them, asking for directions to the stairs.

Who were these people Officer Baker asked for help? And how on earth could both Mr Frazier and Mr Molina not have seen and heard him at this moment? I mean, they were standing right there by the door!

Answer: Mr Oswald was one of those people. In fact, he was the person Officer Baker focused on (perhaps even grabbing him by the arm with understandable urgency). Accordingly, everyone had to banish the exchange from their memory afterwards. For it gave Mr Oswald his alibi. Thankfully, however, before the need to NOT have seen the exchange had kicked in, Mr Lovelady told Mr Jarman all about it!

« Last Edit: August 05, 2020, 05:42:49 PM by Alan Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #264 on: August 05, 2020, 05:34:26 PM »

Offline Alan Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #265 on: August 06, 2020, 11:47:23 PM »
So! Officer Baker, as he's at the front door of the building, asks a bunch of folks standing there where the stairs are. Officer Baker has this event fresh in his memory as he is giving his affidavit. And yet... nobody else will seem to remember having heard, seen or been co-participants in this event. How peculiar!  :D

Well, I tell a lie... For Mr Oswald remembered that selfsame event, and backed Officer Baker's story up 100% by telling Captain Fritz all about it. We know this thanks to Postal Inspector Harry D. Holmes' WC testimony.

Now! There's an interesting nuance to the answer Postal Inspector Holmes gives to Mr Belin's question, "By the way, where did this policeman stop him when he was coming down the stairs at the Book Depository on the day of the shooting?":

Mr. HOLMES. He said it was in the vestibule.
Mr. BELIN. He said he was in the vestibule?
Mr. HOLMES. Or approaching the door to the vestibule. He was just coming, apparently, and I have never been in there myself. Apparently there is two sets of doors, and he had come out to this front part.
Mr. BELIN. Did he state it was on what floor?
Mr. HOLMES. First floor. The front entrance to the first floor.

Either in the vestibule (i.e. front lobby) or approaching the door to the vestibule. Hmmm...

This puts the encounter either
................inside---------i.e. in the vestibule, Officer Baker having already gone through the front door
................still outside-------------i.e. at the front door leading to the vestibule. (After all, 'approaching the door to the vestibule' can only mean outside: if you're already inside, then the glass door is the door to the front steps, not the door to the vestibule!)

Mr Oswald had indeed "come out to this front part" (in order "to watch P. parade", of course), and it would seem from what Mr Holmes is saying that Mr Oswald put the encounter with the cop at the front door but still outside.

This tallies with the information put out (albeit with an anti-LHO spin) by DPD later that day: he was stopped at the front door as he was trying to leave. This too was Mr Lovelady's (erroneous) impression when he turned around and saw the cop speaking with Mr Oswald--------he hadn't noticed Mr Oswald's presence on the steps at the time of the shooting, and so thought Mr Oswald had only just arrived out front.

Officer Baker's same-day affidavit gives us the true character of the encounter: he wasn't in the least bit suspicious of Mr Oswald, he was merely asking Mr Oswald (A.K.A. Prayer Man, probably) where the nearest stairs were. And then Mr Truly stepped up... and the rest is history (or was history for a few hours before the authorities saw fit to replace the real story with a fictional one about a lunchroom!)...

« Last Edit: August 07, 2020, 09:29:35 AM by Alan Ford »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #266 on: August 08, 2020, 12:13:21 AM »
Mr. Weidmann certainly brings a keen sense of discernment to the table.  It certainly compliments the abundance already evident here in this thread with the invaluable contributions of Mr. Ford and Mr. Iacoletti as well. 

That said, given Mr. Hosty's revealing revelation, where the wrongly accused places himself outside instead of inside the building, let alone lurking six stories up in a *staged sniper's nest, it's becoming much clearer with the passage of time that Prayer Man is indeed none other than the wrongly accused.

Paraphrasing Mr. Ford (<-----Stay Classy btw), "If it wasn't Mr. Oswald it would be easy to place a credible candidate in his position". Seven (7) years later, No one has managed to secure Prayer Man's position with a credible-candidate to remove, irrefutably, any chance that he is indeed the wrongly accused. That's very telling. Very telling.

Add Mr. Hosty's revealing revelation moves the wrongly accused into Prayer's Man specific location even more so, because we know he didn't stand in anyone else's specific position given their respective Commission Exhibit 1381 Statements. Moreover, none of them claimed to be standing in Prayer's Man specific position either. Lest we forget, in all of the CE 1381 statements, no one saw any strangers either.

*Sidebar: Mr. Neesan (sp, my apologies if misspelled, will rectify with an Edit if so), but suffice it to say everything they, those charged with framing an innocent party, said about what the wrongly accused said and/or did that afternoon only serves a hastily contrived script.  I don't have time this evening to share the many inconsistencies and outright lies mired in horse manure stench relative to their "evidence" to frame the wrongly accused, but will leave you some more in depth details tomorrow the good Lord willing. Suffice it to say the two key witnesses starring in the hastily contrived script were not good liars.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #266 on: August 08, 2020, 12:13:21 AM »

Offline Frederick Clements

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #267 on: August 08, 2020, 07:04:38 AM »
Lawyer Richard Dwyer speaks about Prayer Man.


Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #268 on: August 08, 2020, 04:01:52 PM »
Lawyer Richard Dwyer speaks about Prayer Man.


Appreciate the informative, insightful & interesting video share, Mr. Clements, Thank You for sharing this gem. An astute presentation by legal-counsel as well.

The wrongly accused didn't shoot anybody. Anybody.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #268 on: August 08, 2020, 04:01:52 PM »

Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #269 on: August 08, 2020, 04:25:30 PM »
Mr. Nessan,

First, my apologies for the initial spelling of your name in my previous post (respecting it prompted me to do some due-diligence and get it correct before addressing you here in that follow up post I promised yesterday).

Please take the time to actually watch & listen to Mr. Dwyer's astute presentation to gain some invaluable insights into this case. That said, here are a few things to address with an open mind as well:

*Only one witness, just one, places Roy Truly near the elevator & stairs on the first-floor that afternoon during the aftermath of the assassination. Unfortunately for the hastily contrived script about a mad dash upstairs to confront the wrongly accused, this lone single witness merely places Roy Truly in the company of a male figure (note not an obviously dressed uniformed white helmeted motorcycle officer in loooong black boots) ----->

Mr. BALL. You mentioned you saw Truly?
    Mr. PIPER. I don't know whether it was a policeman or FBI or who it was, but another fellow was with him.
    Mr. BALL And where were you?
    Mr. PIPER. Standing right there where they make coffee.
    Mr. BALL. What did they do?
    Mr. PIPER. He ran in and yelled, "Where is the elevator?" And I said, "I don't know, sir, Mr. Truly."
    They taken off and went on up the stairway and that's all I know about that.

What's worse is the timing element in Mr. Piper's account as he shares further within his testimony that his encounter with Roy Truly came several minutes after the assassination. The hastily contrived script falsely leads us to believe that a few minutes later the tandem of Roy Truly and Marrion Baker have already encountered the wrongly accused and subsequently are charging up the backstairs to reach floors 3, 4, and 5 via foot.

I'm open to anyone sharing here one more witness besides Mr. Piper who actually saw Roy Truly near the backstairs on the first floor during the immediate aftermath of the assassination...

Moving along now, both Roy Truly and Marrion Baker in their sworn testimony make claims about their exploits upon an otherwise locked roof (from the inside) ------>

Back in 12-15mins to share supporting documentation revealing their outright lie about their exploits upon that otherwise Locked roof...
« Last Edit: August 08, 2020, 04:29:03 PM by Alan J. Ford »

Offline Frederick Clements

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #270 on: August 08, 2020, 04:31:55 PM »

Welcome Alan. Glad that you liked it.


Offline Alan J. Ford

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Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #271 on: August 08, 2020, 04:49:18 PM »
Welcome Alan. Glad that you liked it.


Always an interesting presentation, Mr. Clements, when the author/contributor honestly, objectively introduces Facts as opposed to pushing a hastily contrived script to frame an innocent-party.

Sidebar: Mr. Nessan, Here's an honourable man tossing suspicion upon the lying tandem of Roy Truly & Marrion Baker's phantom exploits upon an otherwise Locked roof (from the inside) ----->


Name of Compainant
Assassination Of President Kennedy

John Wiseman, Deputy Sheriff, Dallas County Sheriff's Department.

Date Nov 23, 1963

I was standing in front of the Sheriff's Office at 505 Main Street, Dallas when the President passed and the car went around the corner and a few more cars had passed when I heard a shot and I knew something had happened. I ran at once to the corner of Houston and Main Street and out into the street when the second and third shots ran out. I ran on across Houston Street, then across the park to where a policeman was having trouble with his motorcycle and I saw a man laying on the grass. This man laying on the grass said the shots came from the building and he was pointing to the old Sexton Building. I talked to Marilyn Sitzman, 202 S. Lancaster who said her boss, Abraham Zaprutes, RI 8 6071, had movies of the shooting. She said the shots came from that way and she pointed at the old Sexton Building. I ran at once to the Sexton Building and went in. I askes some woman how many doors lead out of the building and she said 4. I left the building and found some DPD patrolmen and we came back to the building. I ran up the stairs and the patrolman started trying to get more help to search the building. I went up the stairs to the 7th floor and started up into the attic and noticed that the door to the roof was locked on the inside with a gate type hook latch. I stopped and started back down the stairs taking a quick look on each floor. I met more officers on the 2nd floor and then in a few minutes the place had maybe 50 officers in it...

Just another example when the hastily contrived script forgets the small, yet important details while framing an innocent party. There's more, Mr. Nessan, but as promised just wanted you and anyone else reading along who cares to examine this case objectively to be aware of what great magnitude the hastily contrived script fails.

The wrongly accused did not shoot anyone. Anyone.

As stated earlier, I'm open to anyone presenting another witness besides Mr. Piper who actually places Roy Truly by the stairs on the first floor during the immediate aftermath of the assassination. Roy Truly & Marrion Baker don't count as they are proven liars.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2020, 04:53:29 PM by Alan J. Ford »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )
« Reply #271 on: August 08, 2020, 04:49:18 PM »