Nonsense--Brennan did not identify Oswald. Quit making stuff up.
Huh? I said in the post you quoted that on the same day Brennan gave a "fairly accurate description" of Oswald(see below).
There was almost 50 windows in the depository on the side facing Elm street with many people including women and 3 black men and Brennan identified a slender white male in the exact window that had a sniper's nest with 3 shells. Also note that Oswald was 1 of only a few in the building who didn't have an alibi at the time.
He was a white man in his early 30's, slender, nice looking, slender and would weigh about 165 to 175 pounds.'s receding hairline visually added years to his life.
Oswald's face was slender and he's wearing what looks to be an oversized shirt which makes guessing an exact weigh problematic.