John is of course correct - two photos cannot tell us about the whole journey but as John and his compendious knowledge well knows, there are numerous photos and film clips showing the bunching of the jacket taken at various times on the motorcade route. We can know, with a great degree of certainty, from this copious amount of evidence that the jacket is bunched up for the duration of the journey ( if there is one clear pic of the jacket smoothed down during this journey please provide it).As for the shooting before Croft. Firstly, I would never hide behind the phrase 'some people think' and I would like to think I wouldn't bring up a point that had already been fully explained to me. But not John, so let me take your hand once again and walk you through it - the Croft photo can be synchronised, with a fair degree of accuracy, to z160. If we roll the Zfilm from that point we see JFK waving indicating that he has not been shot in the back. It's really that simple so please don't bring it up again.As for the "coincidence" you mention I'm not that far down the road in my research to have come across the multiple bullet wounds in the back theory that 'some people think' is a possibility.
Yeah a dress jacket will "bunch". What will NOT "bunch" is a Dress Shirt ANCHORED by a Dress Tie behind the dress jacket. The bullet hole in JFK's dress jacket lines up with the bullet hole in JFK's Dress Shirt. JFK was POTUS and before that Rich. His dress clothing was Fitted. He was Not running around in rags off the rack at Robert Hall's.
Why not date this pic? POTUS flying Commercial? HAHAHAHAHAHA
With the right arm elevated, there's usually a jacket bunch at the back above the right side of the midline. The top of the shirt collar should be above the top of the jacket collar at the nape, but on the right side it becomes obscured by the jacket.
In the Zapruder film, the right side of the top of the President's jacket is both higher than the left side and is substantially higher than the level of the necktie knot.