That's your answer to the forensic evidence from the x-rays cited by the Clark Panel? Just repeat the same old timeworn, debunked claims? Do explain how a bullet could have chipped the spine and/or deposited a trail of fragments if that bullet was CE 399. You can't do it.
I take it you did not read the OP? The SBT is impossible because there was no path from the back wound to the throat wound without smashing through the spine, because the "holes" in the front of the shirt are slits made by nurses, because the nick on tie knot was not on the edge of the knot, because the WC's own ballistics tests produced bullets that were far more deformed than CE 399, etc., etc., etc. Go read the OP.
This is just nonsense. Nellie and her husband both swore up and down that they heard the first shot before Connally was hit. Connally himself said he was not hit before Z234, and he's the guy who experienced it and who knew his body better than anyone else. But you guys just keep ignoring this fact. The guy who was hit survived. He felt the hit. He experienced. After viewing high-quality blowups of the Zapruder film, he insisted he was not hit before Z234.
More abject nonsense. Sheesh, this goop was debunked years ago. As many scholars have pointed out, Canning ignored the HSCA FPP's placement and description of the back wound, and even then he had to fiddle with reality to get his reconstruction to "work." Go look at his model trajectory. It's ridiculous. It bears no resemblance to Kennedy's position at the time of the first hit.
This is what is so frustrating about dealing with lone-gunman theorists. You seem to be stuck in a time warp. You simply ignore all the research done over the last 30 years that has destroyed the single-bullet theory.
All very interesting but understanding the assassination is just not that complicated. The SBT is the only plausible explanation and all the theatrics will not alter that fact.
Gov Connally was struck by the first shot. He said he cried out Oh No No No after he was struck. Nelly and Jackie both independently stated that he cried out Oh No No No after the first shot. JBC stated he only heard two shots which is confirmed by many eyewitnesses who also stated there was only two shots.
Bill Newman in the Jay Watson interview after the assassination: "stated he heard a shot and could not tell which man was hit first."
DPD Bobbi Hargis
Dallas, Nov. 23 (Special) B.W. Hargis, 31, Dallas motorcycle patrolman who was riding in President Kennedy's motorcade, gave this account today of the Assassination:
"We turned left onto Elm St. off Houston, about a half block from where it happened. I was right alongside the rear fender on the left side of the President's car, near Mrs. Kennedy."
"When I heard the first explosion, I knew it was a shot. I thought that Gov. Connally had been hit when I saw him turn toward the President with a real surprised look." "The President then looked like he was bent over or that he was leaning toward the Governor, talking to him."
"As the President straightened back up, Mrs. Kennedy turned toward him, and that was when he got hit in the side of his head, spinning it around. I was splattered with blood."
Destroyed? The HSCA studies confirmed the beliefs of the WC. The only thing destroyed by close examination was The Dictabelt Theory and any concept of there being four shots. Not one thing has been debunked.
Canning completely explained his placement of the wounds and how he derived the trajectory. It is your choice to either believe him or search for someone to shore up your conspiracy beliefs.
No exit wound? Dr. Ebersol discussing the search for the bullet and xrays taken at the autopsy.
'We were asked by the Secret Service agents present to repeat the films and did so Once again there was no evidence of a bullet.
I assume you are familiar with portable X ray It is not the kind that gives a fine diagnostic but it is helpful in picking up metallic fragments. It would stand out like a sore thumb either intact or shattered.The autopsy proceeded and at this point I am simply an observer. Dr. Humes in probing the wound of entrance found it to extend perhaps over the apex of the right lung bruising the pleura and appeared to go toward or near the midline of the lower neck."
I believe by ten or ten thirty approximately a communication equipment. location had been established with Dallas and it was learned that there had been a wound of exit in the lower neck that had been surgically repaired. I don't know if this was premortem or postmortem but at that point the confusion as far as we were concerned stopped."
You were asked to explain how Gov Connally could have been wounded if the bullet does not first pass through JFK. Instead of answering the question you go off on an Interpretive Science rant. It appears it took 30 years for someone to finally confirm your conspiracy dreams by claiming everyone else who studied the evidence was wrong.
You wrote an article about there having been only two shots fired from the 6th floor of the TSBD. It lacks some information but is the right idea. Apparently you no longer believe this to be true? You are the third conspiracy propagator to touch on the idea there was only two shots. Each time, instead of understanding that is the answer and the reality of the assassination, the conclusion is ignored or altered to reach some other conclusion. To me that is amazing especially given the large amount of evidence and witness support all pointing to the two shot conclusion.