LOL! "Ambiguous"! It is only "ambiguous" in your mind because you don't want to read plain English.
Dulles: I see. And you put your hand right above where your tie is?
Dr. Carrico: Yes, sir; just where the tie...
Dulles: A little bit to the left.
Dr. Carrico: To the right.
What don't you understand about "You put your hand right above your tie?" and "Yes, sir"? Gosh, this is just silly. If Carrico had meant to put his hand ON his tie, he would have easily done so.
And did you notice that Carrico said it was "the entrance"?
Wow, talk about a complete misunderstanding and inability to interpret the evidence, for a start Carrico was not anatomically identical to Kennedy and wasn't wearing the same fitted shirt or tie, so when Carrico was pointing to the location of the wound on his own body, his Adams apple, the tie and collar is immaterial and using different clothing on someone else's body to locate the wound position is utterly pointless.
Carrico describes in pure anatomical terminology where the wound was on JFK
Mr. SPECTER Will you describe, as specifically as you can then, the neck wounds
which you heretofore mentioned briefly?
Dr. CARRICO. There was a small wound, 5- to S-mm. in size, located in the
lower third of the neck, below the thyroid cartilage, the Adams apple.As we can see on the actual John F Kennedy is that his Adams apple is in the lower third of his neck, a relatively low position.
And when we overlay JFK at Love Field with the wound location as seen in the autopsy photo, the corresponding position correlates to where we see Kennedy's Adams apple to be, and by coincidence is where the slits are on Kennedy's shirt, how about that!
Btw claiming that the two slits which are not linked to the shirts extremities were cut by a scalpel through a closely buttoned up shirt, right over Kennedy's throat to help in the removal of Kennedy's clothing is absurd, how do you people come up with these bizarre ideas, is anything ever logically thought through?