Trump, down 12 points in Michigan cancels all media buys. So it begins. The white towel is coming out.
Why you guys insist on turning this thread into something akin to Twitter Trash, I have No Idea. Raise the bar, please!
Yeah, the Fake New PARROTS around here have No Idea this stuff is going down due to their Fake News Sources imposing a BLACKOUT on Real News such as this. PHYSICAL Voter Intimidation is being imposed on Trump Supporters and the Fake News endlessly goes on-and-on about Repub's attempting to suppress the vote via polling laws. This same Fake News BLACKOUT is gonna occur when the Durham/Barr CRIMINAL Investigation hammer comes down. The only point at which Fake News will be Forced to cover Durham/Barr will be when bodies Currently on their Fake News Payroll start getting thrown into the Slammer. SecurityBarr says he won’t wait until after election to reveal Durham’s findings. Democrats fear a campaign-altering surprise.By Matt Zapotosky and Karoun DemirjianJuly 29, 2020 at 7:09 p.m. EDT