Richard Smith quotes Paul May-----
The political leadership in America HAS failed this country. It’s citizens. The draft dodger in the WH claims to be a war time president. He’s declared war on ALL Americans who are not male, not white and not rich. What he hasn’t declared war on is Covid-19. Yet, YOU swallow his crap hook, line and sinker. Remarkable.
None of your incoherent ramblings here makes any substantive point that relates to this discussion. You are starting to make Rick look normal by comparison. You have gone on and on with a lot of fake claims.
Hard for me to believe...Richard Smith and Paul May [two 'the Warren Commission got it right believers'] at opposite ends of the Trump-o-meter.
"Incoherent ramblings" .....
"fake claims" Truly---wonders never cease.
Both nominees are draft dodgers.
"The political leadership in America HAS failed this country." --- Agree...the whole swamp including the spineless congress... going back 50 years.