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Author Topic: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2  (Read 495905 times)

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1680 on: September 06, 2020, 07:03:23 PM »
How sad and pathetic that you find your own country's national anthem and flag distasteful and dishonorable. Perhaps you should move.

Oh please, spare me the dramatics. What is really pathetic is that you, instead of responding to my comments, feel the need to attack me based on something I never said. Your "advise" that I should move demonstrates exactly just how intolerant you are towards people who don't share your beliefs. You truly must consider yourself to be superior.....and that's sad because you really aren't! I bet you never even considered the possibility that I don't even want to live in a country where there are intolerant people like you.

The bottom line is that you seem to want a totalitarian regime that suppresses any dissenting voice you don't like, but you're not man enough to actually admit it. The commonly with right wingers associated "I'm a patriot" crap isn't fooling anybody. A true patriot loves his country as it is and tries to make it better. You just want to change the country to something you want it to be!.

I'm guessing you didn't protest when the NFL fined players who wore 9/11 memorial symbols on their uniforms, including Payton Manning, hey? Yeah, uh-huh.

I don't follow the NFL and was not even aware of this. I have better things to do with my life. Personally, I see nothing wrong with wearing a 9/11 symbol anywhere.

You're just fine with enforcing rules against wearing or expressing political symbols and views on the job when you don't like what the symbols/views support.

Never said any of that. You just made it up.... Perhaps because you lack solid arguments?

But you think it's "fascism" to simply say that when you're on the job, you should not dishonor our flag and national anthem by kneeling during the anthem.

You seem to do a lot of guessing and clearly are not very good at it. What I am fine with or not, is not the issue, nor is it important. In this wonderful land everybody is equal and has equal protection under the law, which includes the first amendment, right? It's the law that determines what is allowed or not. If you don't like the law, then try to change it! But as long as the law applies, don't try to tell others that they don't have the same rights the law allows you!

It's really sad that the only way you can respond to my comments is by making up a strawman about what you think I think and believe instead of discussing the actual subject. It tells me all I need to know about you.

Btw should wearing a MAGA head at work be allowed?

Oh, I see. So, let me guess: You have no problem with all the unions that endorse the Democratic nominee in election after election. That's okay, right? But you think it's outrageous that a police union endorses Trump. You really don't like freedom of speech, do you?

More guessing and - what a surprise - another pathetic strawman. If you want politics to stay out of the workplace, it should apply to all. You just want your cake and eat it too. On the one hand you want the people who think like you to have the freedom to express themselves, while on the other hand you complain about people saying/doing things you don't like. You go even so far as to tell them they should move! I'm not the one who has a problem with freedom of speech, you are!

Tell me, how do you deal with this quote credited to Voltaire; “I wholly disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” ?

I bet if I did a search of your messages, I would see no message that protested all the times when liberal unions endorsed Obama and then Hillary in the last three elections. I'm guessing you did not say a single word in protest over those endorsements. You only want to muzzle a union if it endorses someone you don't like.

Uh-huh, here again, I'm guessing that if I did a search of your messages, I wouldn't find a single one that protested when liberal CEOs publicly endorsed Obama and then Clinton in the last three elections, which many of them did.

This is not about me, so why are you so desperately trying to make it about me? You can search as much as you like. You won't find any message of any kind either way, because I simply do not care. I did not protest any endorsements of Clinton, Obama or Trump! And I never said it wanted to muzzle anything. I merely gave an example that clearly demonstrated just how hypocritical you are.

Do you know why Robert Unanue, Goya's CEO, publicly spoke favorably about Trump? He praised Trump after Trump signed an executive order that was targeted to help Hispanic-owned businesses, the Hispanic Prosperity Initiative. Gee, I  thought you liberals were all about helping minorities.

And so far this party political message.....

You liberals always lecture everybody else on "tolerance" and "inclusion" but then you repeatedly try to bankrupt via boycotts any business whose leaders express views you don't like.

So, now I am a liberal, simply because I disagree with you? Pathetic! In the past I have supported Republican and Democratic Presidents whenever they did something that was in the common good of the country. I don't believe in right and left. It's the most destructive concept of politics for any democratic country.

But you are right about one thing; I do not like Trump, because he is dividing the country and destroying the rule of law. Before he came the words United States of America had meaning. Now they sound hollow, and are cause for ridicule all over the world... and you support a guy like that!

Btw, talk about boycotts, who was it again who recently wanted to boycott Goodyear because they said something he didn't like?
« Last Edit: September 07, 2020, 12:25:43 AM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1680 on: September 06, 2020, 07:03:23 PM »

Offline John Tonkovich

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1681 on: September 07, 2020, 07:47:27 AM »
Dr. Heinrich Weidmann,

Another former liberal, although not a freak like you, explains who is switching to Trump and who is changing political party's. You know Trump already won. Trump loves you

Because we know Trump already won, I predicted you will NOT go back to Austria. History shows the chronic liar you have proven yourself to be. The fortune-teller who went broke, Dr. Heinrich Weidmann. What a bum! haahahhahahahahahha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am right about everything
What, exactly, are you trying to say?

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1682 on: September 08, 2020, 03:49:19 PM »
"I'm Joe Biden and I've forgotten this message."  LOL.  Poor Old Joe is struggling to reach the finish line.  He was sitting in someone's back yard yesterday with a couple of other old geezers.  One broken down guy who looked like he needed an oxygen tent mentioned that he was 74 years old.  That made him four years younger than Old Joe.  It's actually kind of sad.  Like when they rolled out Mueller during that congressional hearing when the guy was clearly suffering from dementia.  I'm surprised Biden's family is allowing him to be humiliated like this but they apparently made out pretty well while he was VP.  All of them are millionaires despite appearing to have no marketable skills.  Those no bid government contracts are quite the deal.   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1682 on: September 08, 2020, 03:49:19 PM »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1683 on: September 08, 2020, 04:03:15 PM »
"I'm Joe Biden and I've forgotten this message."  LOL.  Poor Old Joe is struggling to reach the finish line.  He was sitting in someone's back yard yesterday with a couple of other old geezers.  One broken down guy who looked like he needed an oxygen tent mentioned that he was 74 years old.  That made him four years younger than Old Joe.  It's actually kind of sad.  Like when they rolled out Mueller during that congressional hearing when the guy was clearly suffering from dementia.  I'm surprised Biden's family is allowing him to be humiliated like this but they apparently made out pretty well while he was VP.  All of them are millionaires despite appearing to have no marketable skills.  Those no bid government contracts are quite the deal.

Soon to be an ex-parrot Dicky. Less than two months.

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1684 on: September 08, 2020, 05:54:23 PM »
"I'm Joe Biden and I've forgotten this message."  LOL.  Poor Old Joe is struggling to reach the finish line.  He was sitting in someone's back yard yesterday with a couple of other old geezers.  One broken down guy who looked like he needed an oxygen tent mentioned that he was 74 years old.  That made him four years younger than Old Joe.  It's actually kind of sad.  Like when they rolled out Mueller during that congressional hearing when the guy was clearly suffering from dementia.  I'm surprised Biden's family is allowing him to be humiliated like this but they apparently made out pretty well while he was VP.  All of them are millionaires despite appearing to have no marketable skills.  Those no bid government contracts are quite the deal.

Your constant complaining about how old Biden is, actually exposes just how weak Trump really is in this election.

There is nothing of any major significance you can say about Trump and his record that's positive and actually true.
There is also nothing of any major significance you can say about Biden and his record that's negative and actually true.

Trumps best, and yet still extremely pathetic, attempt to discredit Biden was the Ukraine thing which blew up in his face and got him impeached. You can ramble on about how Biden stays in his basement, and whatever other crap you can come up with, but nothing sticks or makes any impact.

And so, all you've got left is complaining about Biden's age and ignoring that everything you say about Biden actually can be said truthfully about Trump....

Oh, and btw, if Trump's economy is doing so well, then why is Forbes reporting he lost 600 million in the past year?
« Last Edit: September 08, 2020, 06:39:04 PM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1684 on: September 08, 2020, 05:54:23 PM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1685 on: September 09, 2020, 12:33:42 AM »
Your constant complaining about how old Biden is, actually exposes just how weak Trump really is in this election.

There is nothing of any major significance you can say about Trump and his record that's positive and actually true.
There is also nothing of any major significance you can say about Biden and his record that's negative and actually true.

Trumps best, and yet still extremely pathetic, attempt to discredit Biden was the Ukraine thing which blew up in his face and got him impeached. You can ramble on about how Biden stays in his basement, and whatever other crap you can come up with, but nothing sticks or makes any impact.

And so, all you've got left is complaining about Biden's age and ignoring that everything you say about Biden actually can be said truthfully about Trump....

Oh, and btw, if Trump's economy is doing so well, then why is Forbes reporting he lost 600 million in the past year?

Results?  LOL.  That is a terrible comparison to make for a supporter of Old Joe.  Trump is all about results.  Those have been noted numerous times.   In contrast, Joe Hiden was in office for five decades and no one can name a single achievement.  He was on the wrong side of almost any policy decision that he was involved.  He even opposed the raid that killed bin Laden.  And that was when he had his marbles.  The guy is clearly in steep mental decline.   Did you see him stare blankly into the camera yesterday while panting and looking around for help?  He has an obvious cognitive problem.  I feel sorry that he is being used by Trump haters in his declining condition.  If there was any compassion, his family would intervene.  On the schedule today for Hiden and Kantala - not a single public event.  Not one.  Nothing to see there!

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1686 on: September 09, 2020, 12:43:12 AM »
"I'm Joe Biden and I've forgotten this message."  This is clearly a person who is having cognitive issues:

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1687 on: September 09, 2020, 01:04:21 AM »
Results?  LOL.  That is a terrible comparison to make for a supporter of Old Joe.  Trump is all about results.  Those have been noted numerous times.   In contrast, Joe Hiden was in office for five decades and no one can name a single achievement.  He was on the wrong side of almost any policy decision that he was involved.  He even opposed the raid that killed bin Laden.  And that was when he had his marbles.  The guy is clearly in steep mental decline.   Did you see him stare blankly into the camera yesterday while panting and looking around for help?  He has an obvious cognitive problem.  I feel sorry that he is being used by Trump haters in his declining condition.  If there was any compassion, his family would intervene.  On the schedule today for Hiden and Kantala - not a single public event.  Not one.  Nothing to see there!

Results?  LOL.  That is a terrible comparison to make for a supporter of Old Joe.  Trump is all about results. Those have been noted numerous times. 

But you can't repeat them here, right   :D

In contrast, Joe Hiden was in office for five decades and no one can name a single achievement.

So you say, with nothing to back it up! .... But, even if that were true, how did he manage to stay in office for half a century and even became VP? To survive for that long as a politician he must have been doing something right, don't you think?

He was on the wrong side of almost any policy decision that he was involved.  He even opposed the raid that killed bin Laden.  And that was when he had his marbles.  The guy is clearly in steep mental decline.   Did you see him stare blankly into the camera yesterday while panting and looking around for help?  He has an obvious cognitive problem.  I feel sorry that he is being used by Trump haters in his declining condition.  If there was any compassion, his family would intervene.

And there is the "Biden is old" crap again....  You really want Trump to be re-elected, not because he is any good and his record stands for itself, but only because Biden is old.... Do you even understand how pathetic that is?

I made two comments;

There is nothing of any major significance you can say about Trump and his record that's positive and actually true.
There is also nothing of any major significance you can say about Biden and his record that's negative and actually true.

And you have not been able to prove either one to be incorrect, and that says it all.

On the schedule today for Hiden and Kantala - not a single public event.  Not one.  Nothing to see there!

And still Biden is way ahead of Trump in all the major polls and in key states... Go figure!

Besides, so what, Trump has played golf nearly 300 times in the past four days.... that's a hell of a lot of days when he had nothing to do.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2020, 01:12:28 AM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Trump supporters and conspiracy theory - Part 2
« Reply #1687 on: September 09, 2020, 01:04:21 AM »